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Republican campaign "Zero tolerance"

Category: School news
Date: 2017-10-12 07:34:18
Republican campaign
From 25 to 27 September 2017 within the Republic action "Zero tolerance" at KSU "Comprehensive school-boarding General type of Balkhash town" district inspector of the juvenile police the juvenile police Department. Balkhash senior Lieutenant of police of Kasymzhanova A. K. was a legal statement that during the presentations the students explained the responsibility for the C...

City action

Category: School news
Date: 2017-10-10 07:49:25
City action
October 6, 2017, the office of emergency of Balkhash town was held city action "Safe childhood". The event was attended by students of schools of the city, where they showed a flash mob on the theme "Fire safety". Children's dance group of students of the boarding school "Arabesque" won the 1st place of honor, receiving a diploma and a sweet prize.

"Human health and its dependence on the way of life"

Category: Health day
Date: 2017-10-09 08:52:13
05.09.2017 year with the students interviewed 7 and 9 classes on "human Health and its dependence on the way of life"   During the conversation touched on such topics as:   1. What determines human health, 7 rules of a healthy lifestyle.   2. The main components of a healthy lifestyle   3. We are for healthy lifestyle!   4. Educators in elem...

Languages week

Category: Languages week
Date: 2017-10-06 11:29:26
Languages week
Language, in any society, in any country. No language, no meaning of existence. Deep reflection on languages for society, for society is the duty of every citizen. In all parts of the country various events are held in that language, their goals and objectives are different. Do not remain aloof from such activities in our school.   From 22 to 28 September, days September, experts at the...

Teacher's Day

Category: День учителя!
Date: 2017-10-02 11:42:08
Teacher's Day
30.09.17, in the Metallurgists ' Palace named after M. Khamzin was a city holiday dedicated to the Teachers Day where the students of our boarding school for the first time made for the teaching of the entire city dance, "the recess". Final ending you guys were able to raise all in a good mood – it was the school that they built from colorful cubes.

Teacher's day in school

Category: День учителя!
Date: 2017-10-02 11:36:09
Teacher's day in school
29.09.17 in boarding school held a concert for the teachers Day. The children prepared a festive greeting room that was able to please the teaching staff of the boarding school. It was and the songs, dances, and skits related to the hard work of ordinary teachers. All the teachers got a lot of good mood and desire to work with their favorite disciples.

Safe Internet

Category: Safe Internet
Date: 2017-09-21 05:12:58
Safe Internet
The formation of personality of the modern teenagers, their attitudes, motives, value orientations and behavioral skills takes place in a converged space between the virtual world and reality. In ordinary life teenagers Express themselves, presenting their unique personality through distinctive clothing, manners, belonging to a special, "their" communities. Today, this significant for...

Health Day

Category: Health day
Date: 2017-09-11 03:42:30
Health Day
9 September 2017 in boarding school held a Health Day for all students grades 1-9.    Students 1x classes did fun exercises with the characters and watched cartoons on the sports theme.   2 to 4E, the classes on the city's waterfront played outdoor games in the fresh air, where he received a charge of vivacity and good mood.   Students 5x class with the gym te...

The Lesson Of "Courage"

Date: 2017-09-07 08:38:31
The Lesson Of
06.09.2017 In boarding school was visited by the military and conducted the lesson, "Courage"

The day of knowledge. 2017 academic year.

Category: School news
Date: 2017-09-02 07:10:28
The day of knowledge. 2017 academic year.
2 September 2017 solemn ruler devoted to Knowledge Day and the beginning of the school year. On the ruler reflects the significant date, the day of the Constitution and 22 anniversary of its adoption, the anniversary of Balkhash town. Guests of the holiday was Moldabekov SAT, Alimzhanov EA. On the occasion feted the students Knowledge which the Queen was handed a miracle-the portfolio and the Ro...

Pedagogical Council

Category: Pedagogical advice
Date: 2017-08-28 07:41:09
Pedagogical Council
26.08.2017 years passed faculty Council considered the following questions:   - Analysis of teaching activities. Speaker Akhmetzhan S. A.   - Analysis of educational work. Speaker Miroshnichenko N. With.   - Analysis of the work of educators. Knysh S. S.   The speakers did an analysis of the 2016-2017 year and objectives for the 2017-2018 year.

"Children the heart of the Capital"

Category: Сamps "Balbұlaқ"
Date: 2017-07-07 04:14:09
Approaching a great holiday - the birthday of Astana. So 5 July 2017 for kids school camps "Balbulak" held an event "children of the heart of the Capital". The event started with the national anthem of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Next, the guys were asked to work with a story: chronologically, it was necessary to correctly identify what year, what city was the Capital. Then b...

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