
"Childhood without violence"

Category: School news
Date: 2017-12-09 02:51:17
In the framework of the decade in the boarding school from the 20th to 29th of November, activities were undertaken for the prevention of violent and negligent treatment of children. Was conducted school-wide line, a drawing competition, a variety of extracurricular activities with students and conducted a lecture for parents. All students actively participated in activities, talked about the...

Parent meeting

Category: Paternal collection
Date: 2017-11-22 04:34:05
Parent meeting
17 November 2017, the school held a parent meeting on the theme "Age and individual characteristics of children." Presentations were made by the teacher - psychologist Sametova D. M. In the end was shown a video of "Three quality reditelka messages." At parent meetings ever attend a total of 60 parents (grades 1-9).

We believe in life!

Category: School news
Date: 2017-11-20 10:18:13
We believe in life!
16.11.2017 year in the boarding school among pupils of 4-6 were held sports competitions "We believe in life!". The aim of the competition: to promote healthy lifestyles, the promotion of sport, as an alternative to negative habits. Conducted physical education teacher of Agibaev A. J. the Competition was held at a good level. All students actively participated, costoulas team spirit....

We are for safe traffic on the roads

Category: School news
Date: 2017-11-20 10:13:29
We are for safe traffic on the roads
15.11.2017 year in the boarding school among students in grades 1-4 took a creative contest of drawings on the theme "We are for safe traffic on roads" aimed at ensuring road safety.   The contest was organized for the purpose of prevention of accidents among children of primary school age, creativity, the promotion of young talents. The results of the competition were awarded...

Latin alphabet – wkyt demand

Category: School news
Date: 2017-11-10 03:52:55
Latin alphabet – wkyt demand
Another very important in the lives of its people, significant historical dates going through. In a special Decree of the President of the country approved of the alphabet based on Latin graphics, Kazakh language. In order to inform about the importance of switching to the Latin alphabet deep 9 "A" class (class Latin alphabet – wkyt demand". During the event pupils of our Pr...

School ruler

Category: Solemn line
Date: 2017-11-09 04:40:10
School ruler
6 November 2017 in the boarding school conducted school range at the beginning of the 2nd academic quarter. Students were reminded the rules of conduct and duty in the school, particular attention was paid to appearance and the work of the Council of government. The children were given a plan for the work week and focus on the upcoming holidays the Day of the First President and Independence Day...

Pedagogical Council

Category: Pedagogical advice
Date: 2017-11-02 10:02:06
Pedagogical Council
02.11.2017 in boarding school was the pedagogical Council on the theme: "Development of teachers – a prerequisite training on the new standards," reports the topic was presented by the Deputy Director of OIA Akhmetzhan S. A. also made an analysis of educational work for the first quarter Akhmetzhan A. S., Erdenebat G., Miroshnichenko N. With. Social teacher of the school presente...

School Olympiad

Category: School news
Date: 2017-11-02 09:56:59
28.10.2017 passed the school Olympic games, was attended by 60 students of the following subjects: grades 1-4 – Math and Kazakh language. 5-9 classes – Russian language, history of Kazakhstan, geography, English, mathematics, biology, physics, Kazakh language, computer science. The result: Those who scored the highest grade will be preparing for the city competition.

"Bases of safety of human life in dangerous and emergency situations"

Category: The event
Date: 2017-10-20 07:12:45
18.10.17 the city held an urban extra-curricular activities "Bases of safety of human life in hazardous and emergency situations" for pupils of 5 classes. The event was attended by chief of PSP Balkhash, head of water-rescue station, the heads of the fire Department of our city press.   Children showed good knowledge of the basics of life safety, has established rules of condu...

"Miss Fall and Mr. Listopad – 2017"

Category: The event
Date: 2017-10-20 07:09:29
19.10.17 in the boarding school among students 4,5,6 classes held a contest "Miss and Mr Autumn leaf fall – 2017". Responsible for the event were cool heads 6x classes. The event was held in two languages for students in Russian and Kazakh languages of instruction. A couple of the participants were dressed in costumes of Autumn, which was presented to the audience and the jury. P...


Category: Open event
Date: 2017-10-18 05:12:33
13 October 2017, our school held the traditional contest MISS AUTUMN 2017. This colorful and exciting event for all involved: students, student leaders, educators.   The girls had to prepare for the competitions:   1. To prepare a "business card" - it could be a musical "calling card", a dance song with a support group, poems, story, the world of Hobbies, li...

"Bir shakyra astynda"

Category: Languages week
Date: 2017-10-12 10:06:44
        At our boarding school on October 5, there was a festival called "Bir shakyra astynda" dedicated to the day of languages. The festival consisted of five competitions: 1 greeting, 2 - "I am a future poet", 3- "My favorite song", 4- quiz, 5 - dance.         Following the results of the festival the follo...

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