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Маңғыстауда биыл бүлдіршіндер 100% балабақшамен қамтылады.

Category: Department of internal policy
Date: 2019-04-09 08:27:55
Маңғыстауда биыл бүлдіршіндер 100% балабақшамен қамтылады.
Маңғыстауда биыл бүлдіршіндер 100% балабақшамен қамтылады. Бұл туралы Маңғыстау облыстық білім басқармасының басшысы Асқар Сейдалиев мәлімдеді, деп хабарлайды ҚазАқпарат тілшісі. Осыған дейін өңірді балабақшамен қамту үлесі 97,1% болатын. Яғни, балабақша кезегінде Мұнайлы ауданы бойынша 270 бала тұрды.    Жыл сайын халқы өсіп келе жатқан Мұнайлы ауданында балабақша жеткілісіз. Сондықта...

The oral will be introduced a unified system for emergency and public services .

Category: Department of internal policy
Date: 2019-04-09 08:24:43
The oral will be introduced a unified system for emergency and public services .
The oral will be introduced a unified system for emergency and public services . This project is implemented in cooperation with the akimat of Uralsk and the regional Department of information, public services and archives using the experience of foreign countries. The project is called" unified city Call-center for emergency services of the city of Uralsk". This project is based on th...

Year of youth: 35 types of services are provided in the center of students in WKO.

Category: Department of internal policy
Date: 2019-04-09 08:21:27
Year of youth: 35 types of services are provided in the center of students in WKO.
Year of youth: 35 types of services are provided in the center of students in WKO. Astana. Kazinform - named after Zhangir Khan West Kazakhstan agrarian technical University, opened last autumn, the student service center is suitable for young people, Kazinform reports. If earlier students went to several offices to get help, now they can come here and get everything on the principle of "on...

What changes have occurred in the medical field in 2019?

Category: Department of internal policy
Date: 2019-04-09 08:16:55
What changes have occurred in the medical field in 2019?
What changes have occurred in the medical field in 2019?   Astana, baq.kz earlier we wrote what changes have occurred in the field of medicine in Kazakhstan in 2018. This article will focus on changes in medicine in 2019.       Astana residents will receive an electronic health passport       Residents of the main city of the country since 2...

"Rules for the safe use of the Internet."

Category: Safe Internet
Date: 2019-04-08 08:23:00
08.04.2019. In KSU "General Education boarding school of the General type of the city of Balkhash" was a school-Wide line of "Rules for the safe use of the Internet." Responsible: Deputy Director for BP Miroshnichenko N. S.

Book exhibition in the library "Territory of safe Internet".

Category: Safe Internet
Date: 2019-04-06 10:20:02
Book exhibition in the library
05.04.2009 year in KSU "General boarding school of the General type of the city of Balkhash" was a Book exhibition in the library "Territory of safe Internet".

Lesson security on the Internet and the rules of network communication.

Category: Safe Internet
Date: 2019-04-05 14:53:29
Lesson security on the Internet and the rules of network communication.
05.04.2019 in KGU "Comprehensive school - boarding General type of Balkhash town" held lessons on the topic "online Safety and rules for network communication»

The year of the youth in Kazakhstan to 2019

Category: School news
Date: 2019-04-05 11:37:38
The year of the youth in Kazakhstan to 2019
On January 23, the opening ceremony of the Year of youth was held in the pavilion "Nur Alem" on the territory of EXPO.       The winners of the contest "100 new faces", graduates of "Bolashak", young scientists and businessmen took part in the event. The logo of the year was presented the day before. According to the authors, it symbolizes the...

"Seven faces of the great steppe»

Category: Department of internal policy
Date: 2019-04-05 11:29:49
Historical heritage   "Much of what is simply unthinkable life of modern society, was once invented in our region" - begins the first section of the article entitled "Space and time of national history." In it, Nursultan Nazarbayev cites seven things that the Kazakh steppe gave to mankind. Among them:       Equestrian culture. "The domesti...

Pedagogical Council on the topic: "From conflict to the culture of pedagogical communication»

Category: School news
Date: 2019-04-04 15:05:38
Pedagogical Council on the topic:
Pedagogical Council on the topic: "From conflict to the culture of pedagogical communication»         Today we will talk about conflicts, their causes and solutions, we will learn to get out of conflict situations.   Conflicts are the norm.   If there are no conflicts in your life, check if you have a pulse.   One day the dis...

On catering matters

Category: School news
Date: 2019-04-04 12:45:38
On catering matters
On catering matters       Since 2014, on the initiative of the deputies and the proposals of school principals, the choice of a supplier of services, goods for the organization of school meals has been removed from the public procurement system due to the dumping of prices that affect the quality of food, as well as the lack of the possibility of direct control of school p...

Event "Safer Internet"

Category: Safe Internet
Date: 2019-04-04 10:38:28
With 4 to 17.04.2019 year in municipal state institutions "School-boarding General type of  Balkhash town held the Event "Safer Internet". The purpose of this event is to form students ' rules of network communication, to know about useful sites and safe use of the Internet.

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