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Panorama open lessons on physics

Category: News
Date: 2016-03-02 09:28:45
Panorama open lessons on physics
       According to the plan of the city MO physics teachers, teacher Morozova NV outdoor physics lesson was held in the 8th grade on "Incandescent. Electric heaters. Fuses. " Guests of the lesson, the teacher of physics became the city's schools.    The lesson was built it on the basis of the latest learning technologies. A lesson for the students...
Author: Department

«I say Thank you»

Category: News
Date: 2016-03-01 10:40:06
«I  say Thank you»
      This year our country is celebrating especial holiday  “1 of Marth  – Thanksgiving day” which improve  friendship of  nations to new level.  On the first holiday of spring our kindergarten’Alpamys’ held especial for pensioner educators event “I say Thank you”. Children wearing costumes of each nation e...
Author: Department

" Do good "

Category: News
Date: 2016-03-01 10:34:07
      On the eve of the celebration of the Day of thanks at the Palace of school students took action " Zhaksylyk Zhasa - Do good ."          February 25, 2016 the students OSSHI № 4 for children with OVRbyla presented a musical fairy tale " fairytale machines ." Children together with the heroes of cartoons " Masha and the Bea...
Author: Department

Information about an open lesson of the history of Kazakhstan

Category: News
Date: 2016-02-24 08:54:26
Information about an open lesson of the history of Kazakhstan
     February 22 according to the plan the city education department history teacher Janat A.  held open lesson on the history of Kazakhstan in 6 "A" class on the theme "The great commander - Attila" with the participation of the Education Departmentmethodist AsemhanovaG.B. Purpose: formation of knowledge about the great migration of peoples.  ...
Author: Department

Professional society is the basis of quality education

Category: News
Date: 2016-02-23 09:01:03
Professional society is the basis of quality education
     On February 18, city seminar was with theme "Professional society is the basis of quality education" at Lyceum №2 named after Abai. The seminar was attended Methodist Education Department, the chief coordinator of the city Gulnara Mukashevna, school number 15, №7, №8, №9, №16.    From each school were invited headteachers of director, the coordinator o...
Author: Department

Sports contest "Future of nation-healthy generation"

Category: News
Date: 2016-02-16 09:20:43
  Sports contest
      February 13, 2016in the school gymnasium №7 named after Saken Seifullin  held city sports contest "Future of nation-healthy generation" with the participation of Council Fathers and pupils. The competition was attended by 10  schools in the city. Participants of competitions take place in various sports.     As a result,the 1st place was awa...
Author: Department

"Білім беруден-білім алуға, оқытудан-оқуға"

Category: News
Date: 2016-02-12 08:50:45
     On February 9, 2016 passed a seminar in OSSh №16 "Білім беруден-білім алуға, оқытудан-оқуға", organized by the certified teachers of school. On the invitation methodologists of city department of education and the teacher of schools of the city responded.    The seminar is organized for the purpose of exchange of experience in formation in pupils of se...
Author: Department

Information on the scientific and informative conference «Теңдік туын көтерген Алаш көсемі», devoted to the 150th anniversary of A.Bokeyhanova in school’s library №8

Category: News
Date: 2016-02-12 08:40:42
Information on the scientific and informative conference   «Теңдік туын көтерген Алаш көсемі», devoted to the 150th anniversary of A.Bokeyhanova in school’s library №8
     02.05.2016, in school №8 involving pupils 9th grade schools of the city took place the scientific and educational conference " ТеңдіктуынкөтергенАлашкөсемі", devoted the 150th anniversary of A.Bokeyhanova. As a result of the speakers of the conference were awarded to the following places: First place-studying of school №24  Kanayat A., II place- pupils of the...
Author: Department

Сhampionship on hockey among city schools

Category: News
Date: 2016-02-12 08:32:21
Сhampionship on hockey among city schools
  From 1 to 9 February held the championship on hockey among city schools. 11 schools participated in the competition. Of these 4 schools advanced to the semifinals. As a result of competition 1 place was taken - №15 school, 2nd place -  №10 school, 3rd -school №16 .
Author: Department

Ski Cup on the city's waterfront for the prize of the city

Category: News
Date: 2016-02-12 08:28:47
Ski Cup on the city's waterfront for the prize of the city
     January 30, 2016 there was Ski Cup on the city's waterfront for the prize of the city. The championship was attended by 11 teams. In the individual competition among boys  Tanebergen  Azat  took the 1st place (school №25) , Қabduahit   Daryn  (school-lyceum №15) took the 2nd place, Tіlegen Ali (school-gymnasium №7) took the 3rd place. Among...
Author: Department

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