Размер шрифта:
"Asyk is a national value"
09-12-2021 10:33
Асық ату- казахская национальная игра из категории интеллектуальных. В игре нужна ловкость, глазомер, координация, меткость, скорость, смекалка, тактическое и логическое мышление.
"Let's paint the environment."
08-12-2021 13:00
Today in group №2 "Aygolek" took place a lesson on painting a relief tekemet on the topic "Let's paint the environment." Children were decorating the rug.
"Let's paint the environment."
08-12-2021 12:54
Today in group №6 "Zvezdochka" took place a lesson on painting a relief tekemet on the topic "Let's paint the environment."
"Held a consultation on the topic"
11-11-2021 12:57
Today, 2 groups" Aigolek "Held a consultation on the topic" creating a fairy tale-cartoon with your own hands".
Оutdoor game "Car and sparrows".
11-11-2021 12:49
Оutdoor game
Today, an outdoor game "Car and sparrows" was played in the junior group "Kulynshak" with the participation of children.
Writers of Kazakhstan anniversary of 2021.
09-11-2021 13:15
Writers of Kazakhstan anniversary of 2021.
With the participation of educators, information was presented on the topic "Kazakhstani writers-anniversaries of 2021".
"The sly fox"
09-11-2021 12:54
For akitvisations, mobile, sedentary games based on the fairy tale "Тhe sly fox" were carried out in groups to introduce pupils to book culture, the development of reader literacy in our gar...
The fairy tale "The wolf and the seven little goats".
09-11-2021 12:37
The fairy tale
During the activation of work in groups on the introduction of students to book culture, the development of Reading Literacy, mobile games were played in the Group No. 3 "Botazhan" with a ne...
"Өрт қауіпсіздігі жаттығулары"
08-10-2021 14:52
Тарихи-өлкетану бойынша апталық тақырыбы: «Týǵan ólkem tuǵyrym»
05-10-2021 14:30
Тарихи-өлкетану бойынша апталық тақырыбы: «Týǵan ólkem tuǵyrym»
Мақсаты:Мектеп жасына дейінгі балалардың өлкетану білімін меңгеруіне жағдай жасау, рухани-адамгершілік негіздер мен құндылықтарды қалыптастыру, өз Отанының патриотын тәрбиелеу.
27-09-2021 09:56