Messages from the President
10-12-2020 15:22
National Flag of the Republic of Kazakhstan is a a piece of right-angled cloth of sky-blue color with a picture of a golden sun with its 32 rays in the center, under them - a soaring steppe eagle. Fla...
Perspective menu
10-12-2020 10:40
Перспективное меню
Achievements of teachers
09-12-2020 16:10
Achievements of teachers
Достижения воспитателей
Achievements of teachers
09-12-2020 16:06
Achievements of teachers
Достижения воспитателей
"How to work with the portal?"
09-12-2020 16:00
"If you want to find out budgetary expenses: PUBLICBUDGET.KZ go to the site"
09-12-2020 15:49
Activity license
09-12-2020 15:36
Activity license
Schedule of reception of parents by kindergarten workers
09-12-2020 15:19
Schedule of reception of parents by kindergarten workers
Kindergarten curriculum
09-12-2020 14:43
Kindergarten curriculum
"The role of modern pedagogical technologies in the formation of conditions for improving the quality of the educational process in preschool educational institutions"
08-12-2020 15:00
On December 8, 2020, a pedagogical council was held in the kindergarten, the purpose of which is to clarify the ideas of teachers about pedagogical technologies and the formation of motivation for the...
"My first president"
08-12-2020 14:44
Today, various festive events dedicated to the day of the first president were held in the kindergarten" Alpamys". Among the younger groups, an educational and thematic educational activity...
"Geometrialyk figuralar"
08-12-2020 14:37
Balabaқsha - balalarғa үzdіksіz Bilim take zhүyesіnің bіrіnshі baspaldaғy.Balalardyң boyyna ұқyptylyқ, ruhaniadamgershіlіk, alғashқy tanymdyқұғymdardy қalyptastyruda, zhalpy adamzattyқ zhane Ulttyk құndylyқtarmen іzgі қasietterdі sіңіrude mektepke deyіngі ұyym pedagogtarynyң eңbegіұshan - teңіz. Mektepaldy dayarlyk tobyndagy mathematician "Geometrialyk figuralar" atty uyymdastyrylgan onu kyzmeti atti. ҰOҚ өte tartymdy, қyzyғushylyқpen өtti. Өskeleң rpaқtardy tәrbieleu men oytuda, zhanzhaқt