Government services
15-02-2021 07:44
№           Мемлекеттік қызмет коды Мемлекеттік қызметтің атауы Стандарт пен регламенттің болуы...
Individual work with the child
04-02-2021 10:04
Individual work with the child
Develop the ability to draw individual objects and create a composition
"Outdoor games"
02-02-2021 14:48
Day of outdoor games was held in the children's room.The organization of such a day allows teachers to conduct sports games, fun games, entertainment, relay races.
"wonderful sticks"
02-02-2021 14:43
Educational games with Kuisener's counting sticks with older preschool children
"Logical tasks"
02-02-2021 14:37
Educator-psychologist, children and mathematicians perform logic tasks.
02-02-2021 14:29
  "Aygulek" esecter tobyk balalars "Zhyl mezgilderi" takyryby boyinsha ugime tyudauda.
Math week
02-02-2021 07:04
Math week
  "Week of Mathematical Literacy" promotes the awakening and development of children's interest in this area of ​​knowledge, expanding and deepening children's knowledge of pr...
About the approval of the rules for the provision of public services in the field of preschool education
01-02-2021 20:16
 "Мемлекеттік қызметтер туралы" 2013 жылғы 15 сәуірдегі Қазақстан Республикасы Заңының 10-бабының 1) тармақшасына сәйкес БҰЙЫРАМЫН:       1. Қоса бе...
Fairy tale "Kolobok"
21-01-2021 12:00
Fairy tale
"Тау көтерген Толағай"
21-01-2021 11:56
"Tau kutergen Tolagai" ertegisinen kurinis
Festival "Kitappen dos bolayyk!"
21-01-2021 11:50
Under the leadership of the regional educational and methodological center, on the basis of the reading literacy week of the KGKP, the kindergarten "Alpamys" was opened on January 18, 2021 w...
December 16 Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan
14-12-2020 12:05
December 16 Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan
On the occasion of the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan, events were held in the kindergarten Alpamys. In the junior and middle groups, conversations were held on the topic "Seas -...