Sports and relay games
11-06-2021 09:08
Sports and relay games
Improve physical qualities of speed, agility, endurance. Accumulate and enrich children's motor experience. Form the need for physical activity. To foster the desire to participate in games with e...
"Алғыс айту"
10-06-2021 09:43
ҚҰРМЕТТІ  АСХАТ  ҚАНАТҰЛЫ!      Оқу жылының аяқталуымен шын жүректен құттықтаймын!  Сіздің Алғыс хатыңызға үлкен  ризашылығымды   білдіремін. Біздің...
Summer healing games.
09-06-2021 10:51
Summer healing games.
Summer games for middle and senior preschool children
Morning work-out
09-06-2021 09:25
 Morning work-out
Children must grow up healthy in order to form the necessary skills and abilities, to actively develop their abilities. A healthy child is receptive to learning, understands the requirements of the ed...
International Children's Day
01-06-2021 13:58
International Children's Day
.Children's Day, which falls on the first day of summer, is one of the oldest international holidays.
Goodbye, kindergarten!
25-05-2021 15:20
Goodbye, kindergarten!
Песни: «Нас в школу приглашают»  
Challenge "We are friends with the priord, we don't need garbage"
22-04-2021 11:01
To educate children about a variety of activities for the protection of nature. (In the process of deepening and expanding children's knowledge about household waste and their properties, to form...
Ecological fairy tale "Heart of nature"
21-04-2021 09:18
Ecological fairy tale
Formation of primary ideas about living and inanimate nature; education of a humane, emotionally positive, careful, caring attitude to the natural world and the surrounding world as a whole; formation...
Presentation of video lessons on the environment
20-04-2021 12:07
Presentation of video lessons on the environment
The whole vast world around me, above me and below me is full of unknown secrets. I will discover them all my life, because it is the most exciting activity in the world...".
Amazing world of nature"
19-04-2021 13:45
Amazing world of nature
 identification of children's knowledge on environmental protection. The development of an attentive attitude to nature, the formation of correct behavior in nature.
Amazing world of nature"
19-04-2021 13:17
Amazing world of nature
Continue to introduce children to the diversity of wildlife and develop a conscious and correct attitude towards representatives of the plant and animal world.
"Personal hygiene"
13-04-2021 10:45
Compliance with the rules of personal hygiene is a necessary condition for maintaining the health of the child. Parents should be exemplary in this.