“Ақиқат”дебат клубы
Action " Safe road»
29-11-2018 15:53
From 15 to 17 November in our school held an action "Safe road". With students of the 7th grade of our school together with the drivers of transport on the intra-driveway " be careful o...
Prevention of religious extremism
29-11-2018 15:47
The school-Lyceum № 15 held a conference for parents on "School and family: cooperation and care". in order to prevent and explain the insurance of students from the Association of destruct...
volleyball competitions
29-11-2018 15:40
On October 30, our school held volleyball competitions among students of grades 8-11. Teams that won prizes were awarded with diplomas. 1 place-11A 2 place-women's team 9 class 3 place-8 class...
The day of national currency-tenge
29-11-2018 15:31
"Secondary school №6 of Sayak village 2018-2019 academic year On November 15, our school held class hours "day of the national currency-tenge". At the educational hour were presented...
Republican parent conference
29-11-2018 15:26
KSU "secondary school №6 of Sayak village" 2018-2019 academic year September 8, 1 classes, September 9, 10-11 classes, September 22, 5-6-7 classes was held Republican parent conference on t...
Heart day
29-11-2018 15:24
Secondary school №6 of Sayak village 2018-2019 academic year In October, in honor of the day of the heart was held a festive event "my heart-your heart", where a poster corner was organiz...
"Sine, cosine, and tangent of an acute angle"
29-11-2018 15:19
Open lesson on geometry 8 b class. 15.11.2018 g . in 8 b class held an open lesson on geometry Dukenbaeva Z. H. The purpose of a lesson, I put the consolidation of knowledge on the subject "Sin...
Information about the contest " Abay okulary-2018»
29-11-2018 15:14
October 27 at the house of culture "Kenshi" Sayak village among young people aged 14 to 29 years The contest "Abayev readings-2018"was held.The competition was attended by young...
Ubraeva Ulpan Nurdosovna
29-11-2018 15:12
Ubraeva Ulpan Nurdosovna
"Day of the elderly"»
29-11-2018 15:12
In the 2018-2019 academic year on behalf of the school were organized events dedicated to the day of the elderly.: * Festive events dedicated to the international day of older people were organized i...
Information on the events held on the Message of the President of Kazakhstan to the people of Kazakhstan
29-11-2018 14:36
   The team of teachers of our school on 10 October, the head of the State N..Nazarbayev of Kazakhstan "al-autigny growth: the income and improving the quality of life" held the me...
«Отбасым -бақыт мекенім»
29-11-2018 14:31
Ibrayeva Ұ.N. 3ә in the class on self-knowledge with the theme of "Otbasym-Bakyt Mekenim" 19.11.2018 y. held an open lesson " Otbasym-Bakyt Mekenim."The beginning of the lesson beg...