“Ақиқат”дебат клубы
Информатика пәнінен жетістіктеріміз
10-04-2019 16:13
The holiday "Nauryz-Duman"
08-04-2019 21:10
      On March 21, our school hosted a festive competition called "Nauryz-Duman". School teachers and pupils took an active part in the competition.   &nb...
Travel information to the school museum
08-04-2019 20:57
"Sayak village was opened in secondary school №6 for the purpose of increasing students' interest in history and culture of their native land. This museum is aimed at supporting creativity, r...
Information about sports games dedicated to health Day
08-04-2019 18:10
April 6 at KSU "Secondary school №6 Sayak village" held sports games dedicated to the Day of health. And in sports competitions, relay races of 1,2,3,4 classes took active part in sports com...
Minutes of the Board of Trustees meeting
08-04-2019 17:31
Open class hour" book-a source of knowledge"
08-04-2019 17:19
Teacher of the 4th grade of secondary school №6 p. Sayak S. In celebration of the Day of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the school - Lyceum № 20 held a solemn line dedicated to t...
8 March-international women's day information
08-04-2019 16:19
The mother is the source of life, Sunny day of love, a source of good – not ardattin of Motherhood. The first spring holiday, like the mother, fills the heart with warmth.The holiday dedicated t...
Information about competition " Kyz alyaman CRT»
08-04-2019 16:15
"The profession I choose" parenting girls, by the way, a girl, a child, beauty, ethics, a comprehensive statement that is certainly beauty. Last Friday akim Aibek KARIMOV met with representa...
Открытие Недели " Жастар жаңалық жаршысы»
08-04-2019 16:11
On March 1, our school opened the week of the young year "Zhastar zhanalyk zharshysy". The President considers the care for the present and future of young people as the main meaning of his...
On catering matters
05-04-2019 09:01
On catering matters Since 2014, on the initiative of the deputies and the proposals of school principals, the choice of a supplier of services, goods for the organization of school meals has been re...
"Traveling to Kahoot Country"
06-03-2019 07:47
Reports from 7 "A, A" classes, "Traveling to Kahoot Country" On 04.03.2019 there was a competition "Traveling to the country of Kahoot" among 7 "A, A" classes...
Adina Rashitova
04-03-2019 07:23
Adina Rashitova