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"We are together" challenge
11-04-2020 13:53
Online competition " Abay Kunanbayev single paths"
11-04-2020 13:19
online ruler
11-04-2020 12:37
6.04.2020 in connection with the pandemic, conducted in the country in online mode, class teachers held a leneika among grades 1-11 using the "ZOOM"platform.
class hour online
11-04-2020 11:48
April 2, "I read distance?", " how to protect yourself from viral diseases?"online class hours were held among grades 1-11.For the purpose of conducting a class hour, class teacher...
"We are together"
11-04-2020 09:39
Students of class 10A of secondary school No. 6 in the village of Sayak provided humanitarian assistance to the residents of the village of Sayak. https://www.instagram.com/tv/B-jv83JJR5t/?utm_sourc...
Қашықтықтан оқыту
31-03-2020 11:10
March 8-international women's day
07-03-2020 10:03
International women's day is a holiday celebrated on March 8. This is one of the brightest holidays that comes with spring. Women of noble people, of course-a sea of flowers, they had lgseta speci...
March 1-thanksgiving Day
07-03-2020 09:45
On March 1, our school celebrated the day of gratitude. "Gratitude and appreciation" on the topic: class hours among different classes. Among the seniors and juniors, words of gratitude to e...
Meeting with a veteran of the Afghan war.
18-02-2020 12:41
One of the most tragic pages in the history of the Soviet period is The war in Afghanistan. The young generation, who faithfully fulfilled their duty to the Motherland and returned to the future, beca...
Closing of the decade " pedagogy of love and creativity »
18-02-2020 12:36
On February 13, the school held a solemn line following the results of the decade of self-knowledge "pedagogy of love and creativity". During the event, good wishes were expressed and festiv...
« It all starts with love » song contest
18-02-2020 12:31
Within the framework of the decade "self-knowledge: pedagogy of love and creativity" on February 10, a song contest "An kunildin azhary"was held at the school under the guidance of...
Readers 'contest" Mother of the Golden heart" »
18-02-2020 12:19
Within the framework of the decade "self-knowledge: pedagogy of love and creativity" from February 3 to 12, 2020, on February 7, our school held a reading contest on the theme "Altyn Zh...