Rules state certification of education

Category: Public services
Date: 2013-02-01 02:35:09
approved Government Resolution the Republic of Kazakhstan from "24" December 2007 N 1270     Rules state certification of education   1. General Provisions 1. These Rules state certification of Education ( hereinafter - the Rules ) have been developed in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan of July 27, 2007 "On education" ....

Automated workplace Deputy Director for Academic Affairs

Category: E-learning environment "Bіlіmal"
Date: 2013-01-26 03:27:58
Automated workplace Deputy Director for Academic Affairs
Automated workplace Deputy Director for Academic Affairs

Workstation of the teacher

Category: E-learning environment "Bіlіmal"
Date: 2013-01-26 03:27:17
Workstation of the teacher

Bіlіmal for each

Category: E-learning environment "Bіlіmal"
Date: 2013-01-26 03:22:11
Bіlіmal for each
parents   Using Bіlіmal allows you to:   - To have a private office in the Bіlіmal ;   - Monitor progress and child's school attendance (through your personal account or SMS);   - View the school schedule ( personal account ) ;   - To see the amount of homework a child ( personal account ) ;   - Get reminders about existing debts on child...

EDYUO "Jas Ulan"

Category: Head counselor
Date: 2013-01-26 02:49:18
  January 25, 2013 in the "Palace School" contest took creative reports EDYUO "Jas Ulan." Children of our school presented creative reports on three areas:   1 direction "Patriot"   2, the direction of "Ecology"   3 direction "HLS"   Our school was awarded a diploma and was awarded the nomination "W...

The results of the urban high school in the region subject Olympiad 2013-2014 school year 8-9 January Karaganda

Category: Olympiad
Date: 2013-01-25 07:46:53
The results of the urban high school in the region subject  Olympiad 2013-2014 school year  8-9 January Karaganda
№ Name  Form Subject Prize place Teacher 1 Uzalina Alina Form 10 Russian language classes in the Kazakh language 2 place Hasanova AH 2...

Congratulations to the team gymnasium winners urban stage Olympiad , January 8-9, test their knowledge on the regional stage of the Olympiad .

Category: Olympiad
Date: 2013-01-25 07:45:16
Congratulations to the team gymnasium winners urban stage Olympiad , January 8-9, test their knowledge on the regional stage of the Olympiad .
Congratulations to the team gymnasium winners urban stage Olympiad , January 8-9, test their knowledge on the regional stage of the Olympiad .   You - bright, intelligent and inquisitive , active and creative ! You are our hope and support , and wish you success !   1.Pak Eugene 10B ( level)   2.Migranova Eugene 11B ( level)   3.Kim Valdemir 11B ( chemistry)...

Number of participants in regional competitions

Category: Olympiad
Date: 2013-01-25 07:44:29
Number of participants in regional competitions
From Balkhash regional competition involved 30 students.   City High School - 9 members   Lyceum Abay number 2 - 6 players   High school № 15 - 6 members   Grammar school № 7 - 4 players   High school № 17 - 2 players   High school № 10 - 1 player   High school № 4 - 1 member   High school № 1 - 1 player.    ...

Қалалық пән олимпиадасының ашылуына арналған жиын сценарий

Category: urban Olympics
Date: 2013-01-25 07:43:17
Қалалық пән олимпиадасының ашылуына арналған жиын сценарий
Құрметті оқушылар, гимназистер! Сіздерді жеңістеріңізбен құттықтаймыз! Гимназия командасы өзінің мақсат қа жету жолында өзінің дайындығын тағы да дәлелдеді. 17-18 желтоқсан күндері гимназиядан 105 оқушы қатысты.

Results Olympiad

Category: urban Olympics
Date: 2013-01-25 07:42:51
 Results Olympiad
Dear teachers and schoolboys! Congratulations on your victory! Once again, the team has demonstrated its readiness gymnasium, intellectual potential and determination, perseverance in achieving victory. December 21 (I-way) and 22 December (II-way) was a city stage Olympiad in basic sciences. In the competition participated schoolboys team comprising 105 students.

Results of school Olympiad

Category: school Olympiad
Date: 2013-01-25 07:40:06
Results of school Olympiad   In the competition participated students grades 5-11 . Tasks for 5-7 classes were drawn up and agreed schoolmaster , they participated in the following subjects : Russian language and literature , history and natural science , geography, physics , chemistry, biology , Kazakh , English and mathematics. For 8-11 targets were prepared and sent to the regional e...

Number of winners school competition gymnasium in subjects for the 2012-2013 academic year

Category: school Olympiad
Date: 2013-01-25 07:39:40
Number of winners school competition gymnasium in subjects   for the 2012-2013 academic year       number   Item Name       5 cl.      6 cells .     7 cells .     8 cells .       9 cells .     10 cl.     11kl .   only    ...

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