Exhibition of books "One book-one region"

Date: 2018-03-29 09:07:41

  On March 26, 2013, in the secondary school # 8 within the framework of the "Bir Aimah-bir kitap" action, an exhibition of fairy tale books "Ertegiler Elinde" was held for pupils of 3 classes: "Karlyashasty", "Zhanylysyrdy olzhasy" , "Қаңбақ шал", "Alaman men Zholaman", "Aldar kosem men Shyhaybay", "Kunkey slyu", "Kasyryr men tulky", "Kadyrdy baqyty", "Er Tastik". At the request of the students, the librarian read the fairy tale "Er Tastik".

Author: School №8