Government program of development of formation of Republic of Kazakhstan on 2011 - 2020

Government program of development of formation of Republic of Kazakhstan on 2011 - 2020


by the decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan

dated December 7,2010

No 1118




STATE Program of Education Development

in the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2011–2020


Astana  2010



1. Program description


Program title

State Program of Education Development in the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2011- 2020





Basis for development

  • Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan                                   dated February 1, 2010 No 922 «On Strategic Plan of Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan till 2020»;
  • Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated March 19, 2010 No 957 «On approval of the List of Governmental Programs»






The Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan



increasing competitiveness of education and development of human capital through ensuring access to quality education for sustainable economic growth



Program aims

·         improvement of financing system, aimed at provision of equal access to education services; 

·         enhancing prestige of the teaching profession;

·         establishment of state-public education management system;

·         ensuring equal access  of all participants of educational process to the best educational resources and technologies;

·         full coverage of children with  preschool education and training; ensuring equal access of children to various programs to prepare them for school;

  • formation of an intellectually, physically and spiritually developed citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan in general education institutions, satisfying  his/her needs in obtaining education, in order to ensure success in a rapidly changing world; development of competitive human capital for economic prosperity of the country;
  • transition to 12-year education model;
  • modernization of the system of technical and vocational education in accordance with the demands of society and industrial-innovative development of economy, integration into the global educational space;
  • achievement of a  high level of higher education quality meeting the demands of labor market, the objectives on industrial-innovative development of the country, satisfying the needs of a person  and conforming to the world's best practice  in education;
  • ensuring life-long education;
  • encouragement of active citizenship  social responsibility, patriotism, high moral and leadership skills among the young people






·       development of new mechanisms of education financing, increasing availability of quality education;

·       training highly qualified staff for education sector; 

·       increasing state support and stimulating labor of teachers;

·       improvement of education management including implementation of corporate governance principles;

·       development of the public-private partnership system (further – PPP) in education;

·       improvement of the system of monitoring education development, that includes establishment of national education statistics with consideration of international requirements;

·       creation of conditions for automation of education process;

·       enlarging the network of preschool organizations;        

·       updating the content of preschool education and upbringing;

·       staff training for preschool education organizations;

·       transition to 12-year education model and updating educational content;

·       solution of   problems of ungraded schools;

·       improvement of inclusive education system in schools;

·       updating the structure of the content of technical and vocational education according to the demands of the country’s industrial-innovative development;

·       development of staff training infrastructure for the sectors of economy;

·       enhancingprestige of technical and vocation education;

·       training staff for undergraduate and postgraduate degrees meeting the demands of the country’s industrial-innovative development;

·       integration into European higher education space;

·       integration of education, science and industry; creation of conditions for commercialization of intellectual property products and technologies. Training highly-qualified scientific and scientific-pedagogical staff;

·       creation of conditions for life-long education, education for all;

·       implementation of a package of measures on patriotic education, encouragement of active citizenship and social responsibility and a mechanism of revealing youth potential;


Implementation period (stages)

2011- 2020 

The Program will be implemented in two stages:

first stage: 2011 – 2015

second stage: 2016 –  2020


Target indicators

  • per capita financing mechanism to be implemented in all educational organizations, except for ungraded schools;
  • share of a highly qualified teaching staff holding the first and the second category    - 52%  (out of the total number of teachers);
  • boards of trustees to be established in 60% of educational organizations;
  • heads of educational institutions who passed qualification upgrading and refresher courses in the sphere of management – 100%;
  • share of secondary education institutions using  e-learning- system  – 90%;
  • 100% of children aged 3-6  to be provided with pre-school education and upbringing;
  • transition to 12-year education model to be completed;
  • number of schools under the project “Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools” in all regions of Kazakhstan - 20;
  • share of students who have successfully completed educational programs in science and mathematics - 70%;
  • rankings of the students of Kazakhstan’s general education schools in international comparative surveys: the OECD Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) –  40th-45th; the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) – 10th-12th; the Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS)  – 10th-15th;
  • share of schools that created favorable conditions for inclusive education - 70% (out of their total number);
  • share of technical and vocational school graduates who passed independent assessment of qualification in the employers’ associations at the first try (out of the total number of assessment participants) – 80%;
  • share of working and employed graduates of technical and vocational schools in the first year after graduation under the government grant scheme – 80%;
  • share of colleges which passed national institutional accreditation–30%;
  • share of university graduates who passed independent assessment of qualification in the associations of employers at the first try  (out of the total number of participants) 80%;
  • share of university graduates who completed education under the government grant scheme and employed within their specialization   in the first year after graduation – 80%;
  • number of Kazakhstani universities listed in the ratings of the world’s best universities – 2;
  • share of universities that passed independent national institutional accreditation according to international standards  – 65%;

·         share of universitiesthatpassed independent national specialized accreditation according tointernational standards– 30%; 

·         share of universities carrying out innovative activity through integration of education and science and implementation of domestic research results into production   – 5%;

·         share of faculty and pedagogic workers who have published their works in impact-factor scientific journals within the past 5 years – 5%;

·         various forms and types of education for all ages to be implemented;

·         share of young people actively involved in implementation of the measures in the sphere of youth policy and patriotic education (out of the total number of youth) – 55%;  


Sources and volume of financing

KZT 461.1 bln will be allocated from the National Budget for the first stage of the Program’s implementation. Financing from the local budgets will be carried outwithin the funds, envisagedannually in the correspondinglocal budgets for education development.




2. Introduction


Education is acknowledged to be one of the main priorities of “Kazakhstan – 2030” Strategy. The common goal of education reforms in Kazakhstan is to adapt the education system to new socio-economic environment.The President of Kazakhstan has also set a task on accession of our republic to the club of 50 most competitive countries in the world. Improvement of the education system plays an important role in achieving this goal.

As international experience shows, investments in human capital, and, in particular, in education, starting from early age to mature age, results in significant benefit for economy and society.

Investments in human capital are of vital importance in the development of technically progressive, productive labor force, which can adapt to the rapidly changing world. Those economies that invest in development of education, skills and abilities of population will gain success in future. Education should be regarded as economic investments, but not just as social expenditures. 

There are many facts, linking education and economic development:

– review of international researches in macro- and microeconomics prove  that there is a close link between education, salaries and productivity. Noteworthy to say that at an early stage of education, the return on investments is quite high.

-         various surveys prove importance of investing in education development.

Apart from economic advantage, education provides other social benefits and fosters formation of a social capital – the society with active citizenship, high social unity and integration and low level of crime. From the earliest age education plays an important role in forming social, emotional and other vital skills of a person. Therein lay the arguments demonstrating the necessity of further development of the whole range of education services. Kazakhstan needs cardinal modernization of its education sector: significant and steady increase in investments in education and improvement of its quality.

For this reason a new national vision is proposed: by 2020 Kazakhstan will have become an educated country with smart economy andhighly qualified labor force. Education development must become a platform which future economic, political and socio-cultural prosperity of the country will rely on.

The State Program of Education Development in the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2011 – 2020(further – Program) must become an organizational basis for implementation of the Republic of Kazakhstan public policy in education, which guarantees continuity of the country’s education modernization.

Being an organizational basis for implementation of public policy in education, the Program provides for a set of interrelated measures covering the changes in structure, content and technologies of education, in management system, organizational and legal structure of educational entities and financial-economic mechanisms. 


3. Analysis of current situation


Progressive development and modernization of education in the Republic of Kazakhstan becomes possible due to understanding of the importance of human capital development by the country’s top officials and all-round support rendered while initiating and conducting reforms in education sector.

 Since 2005 the Republic of Kazakhstan has adopted several documents in education sphere. These are namely the State Program of Education Development for 2005-2010, the State Program of Technical and Vocational Education Development for 2008-2012, “Children of Kazakhstan” Program for 2007–2011 and “Balapan” Preschool Education Program for 2010-2014.

The implementation of the “Bolashak” International Scholarship Program initiated by the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan has made a significant contribution to the development of the country’s human resources and has provided a unique opportunity to young talented Kazakhstanis to obtain education in the best universities of the world.  

 To date Kazakhstan is an active participant of international documents related to education, human and children rights protection. These are the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Convention on the Rights of the Child, the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, the Lisbon Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education in the European Region,   the Bologna declaration and others.

Human resources development is defined as one of priorities of Kazakhstan’s 2020 Strategic Development Plan. 

There are achievable goals of quality development of human capital through investing in education.

Following the implementation of the State Program of Education Development in the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2011 – 2020,as of July 1, 2010 all levels of education have been institutionally supported by the network of related organizations. The structure of education has been changed in accordance with the International Standard Education Classification. Conditions for implementation of the 12-year education model are being created. Technical and vocational education system has been renovated. A three-level of specialists’ training “undergraduate – graduate – PhD” has been introduced.  The Classification of Specialties of Graduate and Postgraduate Education of the Republic of Kazakhstanincluding the groups of majors has been approved.

The National System of Education Quality assessment has been established, including the elements of independent external assessment (licensing, confirmation, accreditation, rating, Unified National Testing (further – UNT), Intermediate State Control (further – ISC), Comprehensive Testing of Applicants etc.)

The Education Quality assessment System is being implemented in all regions of the republic now.

Material and technical base of educational organizations is improved.

In2009 the number of biology classrooms reached 640, multimedia language labs - 536, physics classrooms- 10,chemistry classrooms –78;721 schools were provided withinteractive boards. To date, 3,450 schools have been equipped with multimedia language labs against 2,661 in 2005.  

Quality of education is improved.

Inclusive education is developed.

Issues concerning provision of students with free hot meals and their transportation are solved.

Government grants for training staff for undergraduate and post-graduate degrees have been increased from 25, 710 in 2005 to 35, 425 – in 2010.

The work on informatization of education is underway. The number of students per one computer makes 18 today.   In 2005 this figure was 41, out of which 36 were in rural areas.

98% of urban and 97% of rural schools have been connected to Internet                             (in 2005 - 75% and 70% accordingly). 34% of schools have access to broadband Internet.

Students of Kazakhstan participated in TIMSS International Comparative Study; in 2007 they wereranked the 5th in mathematics and 11th in science among the 4th grade students from 36 countries.

Kazakhstan gives special attention to the development of the Kazakh language. Kazakh language learning centers have been opened in central and local executive bodies and in universities across the country; compulsory language learning courses, record-keeping in the Kazakh language, level-based teaching of the state language in basic and secondary general education schools have been launched.

A network of specialized schools for gifted children focusing on trilingual education has been created. To date the number of such schools is 33 countrywide.

The number of Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools is 6 to date.

In national higher education system the measures were aimed at achievement of the world level of education: Kazakhstan has joined the European education system, the Bologna Declaration. A world-class higher education structure - the Nazarbayev University – has been established in Astana .  

Currently the universitiesof Kazakhstan enjoy more academic freedom in defining the content of educational programs: the number of electives has been raised from40% to50%- in undergraduate system, from50% to60% - in graduate system, and from70% to 80%- for PhD.

The number of students willing to obtain high-quality education is increasing. More than 20, 000 Kazakhstani citizens are studying abroad to date. Around 3,000 recipients of the Bolashak International Scholarship of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan are studying in 27 countries of the world.

The country takes measures to raise the  attractiveness of Kazakhstan’s higher education for foreigners. Over 10, 000 foreign citizens are studying in universities of the republic.

Despite the indicators mentioned above, the education sector of Kazakhstan remains uncompetitive.


Preschool education and upbringing


Increasing the role of preschool education and upbringing is one of the world tendencies. Children attending kindergartens succeed in learning at all levels of education and are more successful in life.

As of July 1, 2010 coverage of children with pre-school education and upbringing in Kazakhstan rose by 16.8% compared to the similar period in 2005, and makes only 40%, whereas in developed countries this indicator is 90-100%.

Annual increase on waiting list for the preschool organizations due to birth rate comprises in average5-7%   countrywide. Besides, in five regions due to birthrate and migration factors this indicator makes 11.1%: in South Kazakhstan region – 8.1%, in Kyzylorda region – 11.8%, in Zhambyl region – 10.7%, in the cities of Almaty and Astana –11.3% and 13.6% correspondingly.

In average there are 111 children per 100 kindergarten places in Kazakhstan; in cities this figure is 120. In urban area every third child attends a kindergarten, while in rural areas – only 5 out of 100.

Inclusive education has not been developed yet.Out of 149, 246 children with disabilities 29, 212 or 19.5% are preschool-age children. 10 thousand of these children, that is 32.8%,  are covered with  preschool education and training in37 special kindergartens and 240 special groups. 

Along with state preschool organizationsprivate kindergartens are being opened; in 2005 their number was 158, whereas in 2010 it reached 284.

The share of state budget expenditures on preschool education and training makes approximately0.1% of the gross domestic product (further – GDP). In the member countries of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (further – OECD) – it makes from 1% to 2% of GDP.


Secondary education


Secondary education is a fundamental level of the system of education. The right to free secondary education is guaranteed by the
Constitution of the country.  

Presently, the secondary education systemfaces a number of problems, linked to insufficient material and technical resources, educational and methodical base, as well as the necessity of updatingthe content and methods of education.

As of July 1, 2010, there were 7,576 public general education schools functioning across the country, teaching 2.5 mln students and subordinated to the local executive bodies and the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. 64.6% of schools occupy typical buildings, 35.4% of schools use altered buildings and 201 schools are in poor condition. 37.4% of schoolsdon’t have access to drinking water. There are 70 three-shift schools and one four-shift school in the country. 25.1% of schools need an overhaul.

41.7% of primary and secondary schools of Kazakhstan have been equipped with newly modified physics classrooms, 13.2% of schools have been provided with chemistry classrooms,  16.3%  ones - with biology classrooms and46.7% - with multimedia language labs.

Every fifth school lacks for either a dining room or canteen. Depreciation of equipment and inventory in school canteens is 80%. 26.4% of schools do not have gyms. There is no state-funded program of children’s transportation to schools by specialized buses.

All these factors have resulted in postponing transition to 12-year general education model.

One of the peculiarities of Kazakhstan’s education system is the availability of ungraded schools, which makes 56.5% of the total amount of schools(52% in 2005). In rural areas this figure makes 68.6%.

Almost every fourth teacher in Kazakhstan is working and every sixth pupil is studying in ungraded schools.     

The number of children with disabilities is increasing. In 2005 there were 124 thousand children with disabilities; in 2010 this figure exceeded 149 thousand. 41.4% of them only are engaged in special educational programs.

The modern education system, implementation of innovative forms and methods of education set more requirements to a person and professional competence of teachers.

There is no adequate legislative base and financial and moral incentive scheme for encouragement of teacher’s labor.  

 Every fifth teacher in Kazakhstan is aged 50 or more.  13% of teachers have up to 3 years of experience. The number of young teachers increases by 2.6%per year.

Gender disproportion, feminization of the teacher’s profession is observed to date (81.3% of teachers in Kazakhstan are women). Low wages(approximately60% of national average), low prestige of the teaching professioncontributes tobrain drain. Despite the fact that since 2000 the wage of education sector employees has grown by 400%, it remains one of the lowest ones across the country.

Development of the system of younger generation upbringing has been a priority goal of public policy in education.

However, the educational institutions and children’s public organizations have not fully used their upbringing potential yet. The schools and extracurricular organizations do not apply labor education and professional orientation any more and experience lack of artistic and musical creativity clubs and sports clubs. The activity of the children’s and school public organizations is ineffective. Coverage of children with supplementaryeducationmakes 21.5% onlycompared toother countries (30-50%). 20%of students only attend sports clubs.

The negative factors in secondary education are outdated methodology and guidelines for the selection of educational content. Information overload leads to a decrease in learning motivation and deterioration of health of students. The education sector focuses today on formal results but not on personality development.

Thus, the existing problems necessitated the modernization of secondary education in accordance with today’s requirements of development of the Kazakh society and with the conditions of integration into global educational environment.


Technical and vocational education


The system of technical and vocational educationplays a key role in meeting the interests of an individual, satisfying the needs of the labor market and the prospects economy and social sphere development.

According to statistics, there are 786 technical and vocational education institutions countrywide as of July 1, 2011, including 306 vocational schools and 480 colleges. Compared to the same period of 2005 their number has risen by 64.   22.8% of them are located in rural areas.

32.7% of graduates of general education institutions continue their education in vocational schools and colleges, 24.8% of which are admitted there after the 9th grade and 7.9% after the 11th grade.

Currently, there are 609 thousand people studying in technical and vocational education organizations; 36.3% of them only are studying under the government grant scheme.   

Training of technical and maintenance staff is provided in 177 majors and 416 qualifications.

 Alongside, lack of professional standards and modern qualification requirements to the specialists do not allow developing adequate content of staff training to meet the demands of industry and employers.

The existing infrastructure, material and technical base of technical and vocational education system does not guarantee high quality of staff training and attractiveness of education for young people.

         Low motivation of engineering-pedagogical workers to provide quality education became a reason for brain drain to other sectors of economy. Ineffective management does not guarantee competitiveness of education organizations in market conditions.

         Insufficient financing and cost of expendituresto train one professional under the government grant scheme does not help the students obtain necessary qualifications.

         Besides, the issue of lifelong education and training needs to be solved.

         Economy and society, based on knowledge and lifelong education must underlie the solution of the problem of competitiveness and application of up-to-date technologies, ensuring   social unity, equal opportunities and quality of life.


Higher education, postgraduate study and science


Higher education plays an important role in training of competent and competitive professionals for all sectors of economy in integration of science and industry.

Currently, there are 148 universities (9 national, 2 international, 32 state, 12 non-civilian, 93 private, including 16 corporatized ones), which educate more than 595 thousand people.

However, most employers are not satisfied with the quality of university education. Educational programs do not always meet the expectations of employers and do not meet the needs of economy.

Corruption has been a serious latent factor encompassing the entire system of higher education in Kazakhstan. The higher education policy will remain ineffective until specific measures are taken to eradicate corruption.

Negative trends in staffing the universities are observed: there are no systematic measures on faculty training; outside employment is widely practiced.

Material and technical resources of Kazakhstani universities are renewed at a slow pace. Universities do not follow the established norms of updating the library collection either for humanities or for technical professions. In many disciplines textbooks are not developed or published in small circulations. Information resources of universities are not united, and library fund is scattered.

There is lack for state support mechanisms of educational services funding.