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Methodical vernissage

This section contains information about the lessons held in the framework of subject decades, as well as information on the conduct of trainings, coaching, seminars and conferences among teachers.

An open lesson was held in online format on the topic "Multiplication of decimal fractions" ...

Category: Methodical vernissage
Date: 2020-02-14 15:57:41
An open lesson was held in online format on the topic
On February 13, a mathematics teacher G. A. Burkitalieva conducted a regional open lesson in online format in the 5th “A” class on the topic “Multiplication of decimal fractions”. The purpose of the lesson: learning and doing decimal multiplication. In the lesson, group tasks, tasks for correcting commas were given, as a pair of work, students were given a semantic map...

School Day, 1 block - "Pedagogy outside the format" ...

Category: Methodical vernissage
Date: 2020-01-31 11:41:15
School Day, 1 block -
January 29 this year, School Day was held in boarding school № 2 of Balkhash town. According to the program, a mathematics lesson was attended by G.A. Burkitalieva teacher, a Kazakh lesson was attended by A.T. Esimbekova, and a program of a variable component of elementary school teacher G. Amanbekova was also presented. The lessons were broadcast online.

An open biology lesson on the theme “The structure of the human skeleton. Musculoskeletal system, its structure and functions "

Category: Methodical vernissage
Date: 2020-01-28 12:50:56
An open biology lesson on the theme “The structure of the human skeleton. Musculoskeletal system, its structure and functions
On January 27, Khamitova S.K. held an open biology lesson in the 8th “A” class on the topic “The structure of the human skeleton. Musculoskeletal system, its structure and functions ”within the framework of a decade of subject disciplines of the natural mathematical cycle. The purpose of the lesson: analysis and explanation of the structure and function of the human ske...

An open lesson of mathematics "Numerical equalities, properties of numerical equalities" ...

Category: Methodical vernissage
Date: 2020-01-24 15:11:00
An open lesson of mathematics
 On January 24, in the continuation of a decade of subjects of the natural mathematical cycle, a mathematics lesson was held in grade 6 “Ә” by teacher G. Burkitalieva on the topic “Numerical equalities, properties of numerical equalities”. The purpose of the lesson: to familiarize students with the properties of true numerical equalities. The ability to determine the...

Competition wall newspaper "Miracles of nature" ...

Category: Methodical vernissage
Date: 2020-01-23 15:26:21
Competition wall newspaper
On January 23, a decade of subjects of a natural-mathematical direction continued. Today, children in grades 5–10 provided subject wall newspapers, which were held on the theme of “Miracles of Nature”. The purpose of the competition is to develop students' creative activity, increase interest in subjects. The school self-government organization appreciated the work under th...

Open lesson in 4 "A" class on the topic "Creating a presentation" ...

Category: Methodical vernissage
Date: 2020-01-23 15:22:21
Open lesson in 4
On January 23, in accordance with the plan for a decade of subjects of a natural mathematical direction, an informatics teacher Syzdykova I. N. conducted an open lesson in class 4 “A” on the topic “Creating a presentation”. In the lesson of acquiring new knowledge, students were given information about what a presentation is and how it is created. In the course of pract...

An open lesson in grade 10 on the subject of “Bezu Theorem and Horner's Scheme” ...

Category: Methodical vernissage
Date: 2020-01-23 15:20:42
An open lesson in grade 10 on the subject of “Bezu Theorem and Horner's Scheme” ...
On January 22, as part of the decade of the unification of natural and mathematical disciplines, the young specialist Mamyr N. conducted an open lesson in the 10th grade on the subject of “Bezout Theorem and Horner's Scheme”. The course of the lesson, goals, tasks fully consistent with the age and needs of students. In the new lesson, charts were rationally used. Students of this...

A line devoted to the opening of - the decade of natural and mathematical sciences...

Category: Methodical vernissage
Date: 2020-01-20 13:14:32
A line devoted to the opening of - the decade of natural and mathematical sciences...
On January 20, a solemn line was held at our school. The line was dedicated to the opening of the decade of natural and mathematical sciences. During the course, students with attributes of each school subject of the natural-mathematical direction read poems and revealed the specifics of each subject. Head of the methodical association Khamitova S.K. briefly introduced the work plan of the de...

Pedagogical Council...

Category: Methodical vernissage
Date: 2020-01-08 12:43:34
Pedagogical Council...
January 8, 2020 at the sanatorium boarding school № 2 named after M. P. Rusakov passed the next pedagogical council. Topic: the formation of patriotic education with a new approach to students in the framework of the program "Rukhani zhagyru". Purpose: updating the content and forms of work on civil-patriotic education of students in accordance with the stages of training, taking int...

The school passed the decade of the methodological association "Primary classes" ...

Category: Methodical vernissage
Date: 2019-12-12 16:02:59
The school passed the decade of the methodological association
From December 2 to 12, our school hosted a decade of methodical unification of primary classes. Purpose: to increase students' interest in subject disciplines, to provide quality education and upbringing of national competitiveness. Primary school teachers and their students took an active part in all activities. The program of the subject decade reflected various forms and methods of ed...

Intellectual competition "Starry hour" ...

Category: Methodical vernissage
Date: 2019-12-11 16:47:28
Intellectual competition
On December 11, according to the plan of the decade of elementary grades, an intellectual competition "Star Hour" was held among students in grades 3-4. Primary school teacher G. E. Magauina held a competition of 6 stages. During the competition, participants tested their knowledge by completing tasks in various subjects of the school curriculum. Based on the results of an exciting gam...

In the elementary grades there was an intellectual game based on the works of F. Ongarsynova ...

Category: Methodical vernissage
Date: 2019-12-11 16:45:01
In the elementary grades there was an intellectual game based on the works of F. Ongarsynova ...
On December 11, as part of a decade of elementary grades, among students in grades 2-3, teacher A. Akhmetzhanova conducted an intellectual game based on the works of F. Ongarsynova. The purpose of the competition: to acquaint the young generation with the life and work of Fariza Ungarsynova, expand the horizons of students, learn to express their own thoughts and speak a clear and compelling lan...

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