School psychologist  Asylhanova Alia Aydarbekovna

Эмоционалды зияткерлікті дамыту және аутодеструктивті және бейәлеуметтік мінез-құлықтың алдын алу бойынша психологиялық коммуникативтік тренингтер өтті...

Category: School psychologist
Date: 2022-03-17 17:35:27
Эмоционалды зияткерлікті дамыту және аутодеструктивті және бейәлеуметтік мінез-құлықтың алдын алу бойынша психологиялық коммуникативтік тренингтер өтті...
16 наурыз күні 6 сынып оқушылары арасында эмоционалды зияткерлікті дамыту және аутодеструктивті және бейәлеуметтік мінез-құлықтың алдын алу бойынша психологиялық коммуникативтік тренингтер өтті. Іс-шараның мақсаты: мінез-құлық ерекшеліктерін және коммуникативті дағдылардың даму деңгейін зерттеу, аутодеструктивті және асоциалды мінез-құлықтың алдын алу, коммуникативті дағдыларды дамыту. Тренинг б...

Проведен информационный час «Религиозный экстремизм – болезнь общества»...

Category: School psychologist
Date: 2022-03-04 08:31:48
Проведен информационный час «Религиозный экстремизм – болезнь общества»...
2 марта школьным психологом проведен информационный час для учащихся 7-8 классов на тему «Религиозный экстремизм – болезнь общества» с целью профилактики саморазрушающего поведения. Цель: Введение в понятие религия, экстремизм, группы, признаки экстремистских групп. Формирование отрицательного отношения к терроризму, экстремизму.

«Діни экстремизм - қоғам дерті» тақырыбында мектеп психологы аутодиструктивті жүріс-тұрыстың алдын алу мақсатында ақпараттық сағат өткізді...

Category: School psychologist
Date: 2022-03-04 08:30:41
«Діни экстремизм - қоғам дерті» тақырыбында мектеп психологы аутодиструктивті жүріс-тұрыстың алдын алу мақсатында ақпараттық сағат өткізді...
2 наурыз күні «Діни экстремизм - қоғам дерті» тақырыбында 7-8 сынып оқушылары арасында мектеп психологы аутодиструктивті жүріс-тұрыстың алдын алу мақсатында ақпараттық сағат өткізді. Мақсаты: Дін, экстремизм, топтар ұғымымен, экстремистік топтардың белгілерімен таныстыру, терроризмге, экстремизмге теріс көз қарасын қалыптастыру.

The psychologist of the school organized a spiritual and moral conversation "The upbringing of a child by a person"...

Category: School psychologist
Date: 2022-02-04 20:51:36
The psychologist of the school organized a spiritual and moral conversation
As part of the decade "Self-knowledge: pedagogy of love and creativity" at the boarding school named after Mikhail Rusakov, on February 4, the school psychologist organized a spiritual and moral conversation "Raising a child by a person" among students in grades 8-11. Purpose: To educate the younger generation of a sense of humanity, a comprehensively developed, benevolent, c...

The school psychologist organized an information hour “What problems can arise in social networks?” among students in grades 7-11 ....

Category: School psychologist
Date: 2022-02-04 08:32:59
The school psychologist organized an information hour “What problems can arise in social networks?” among students in grades 7-11 ....
As part of the “Digital World” week, organized by the educational and methodological center for the development of education in the Karaganda region, on February 3, a school psychologist organized an information hour “What problems can arise in social networks?” among students in grades 7-11. Goal: Ensuring information security of a teenager. Measures to prevent the forma...

At school for 9th and 11th grades, a school psychologist conducted career guidance work

Category: School psychologist
Date: 2022-01-25 23:31:44
At school for 9th and 11th grades, a school psychologist conducted career guidance work
At school for grades 9a, 9ә and 11, a school psychologist conducts career guidance work. On December 16-24, among grades 9 and 11, psychological trainings and a survey "Profession - the beginning of life" were held Goal: Formation of responsibility in choosing a profession. Revealing the perseverance of the student's professional orientation, increasing psychological readiness...

Trainings "If a good heart make wishes come true"

Category: School psychologist
Date: 2021-12-22 15:01:46
On December 14, among 7 classes, psychological trainings were held "If a good heart makes wishes come true." Purpose: increasing the ability for logical thinking, creative search, imagination, familiarizing students with innovations, innovative methods and techniques. Strengthening relationships between teams, getting rid of negative moods, self-knowledge, respect, awareness of one'...

Psychological trainings "Communication for adolescents" ....

Category: School psychologist
Date: 2021-11-30 14:53:48
Psychological trainings
On November 29, among the 8-10 grades, psychological trainings "Communication for adolescents" were held. Goal: development of adolescents' communication skills, awareness and expression of their feelings, understanding and acceptance of the feelings of the people around them, activation of the mechanisms of self-knowledge and self-expression.

Psychological trainings in grades 2-4 ...

Category: School psychologist
Date: 2021-11-30 14:51:04
Psychological trainings in grades 2-4 ...
From 13 to 29 November, a school psychologist organized trainings for grades 2-4 to determine the logical development and cognitive processes of students.

Round table on the topic "Children's rights - human rights."

Category: School psychologist
Date: 2021-11-19 16:54:52
Round table on the topic
On November 16, as part of the month "November 20 - World Children's Day", a round table was held among grades 7-9 on the topic "Children's rights - human rights", where school psychologist Kasimova G.K. conducted a survey on violence prevention measures. Purpose: To give students an idea of ​​violence, to say that this is the worst quality of a person. The main value...

Educational work on the topic "Raising a girl - raising a nation", "Personal hygiene of a teenager" ...

Category: School psychologist
Date: 2021-11-19 15:51:34
Educational work on the topic
On November 12, among girls in grades 7-11, educational work was held on the topic "Raising girls - raising a nation", "Personal hygiene of a teenager", where school psychologist GK Kasimova spoke on the topic "What is sex life and prevention of early pregnancy". The purpose of the conversation: health education and counseling on family planning and marriage, edu...

The training "On UNT with confidence!"

Category: School psychologist
Date: 2021-11-18 12:27:49
The training
On November 11, the training "On UNT with confidence!" Was held for 11th grade students. All students took part in the training. Purpose: psychological preparation of students, the formation of ideas about affirmations. Through self-knowledge of students, the formation of self-esteem, showing the way to overcome stress.

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