PROTOCOL No. 3 meetings of the Board of Trustees of 29 March 2019

Category: Board of guardians
Date: 2019-04-16 08:21:51
PROTOCOL No. 3 meetings of the Board of Trustees of 29 March 2019
PROTOCOL No. 3 meetings of the Board of Trustees of 29 March 2019                                        Was attended by 11 people.                                      Invitee:     &...

"Legal education".

Category: Section of social pedagogue
Date: 2019-04-13 08:15:58
KSU " boarding school of General type of Balkhash city» 12.04.2019 of the year at 14: 00 WHIP UPT Balkhash police captain Circassia S.E. and social teacher school koteneva, E. A. Among 5-6 classes was a lecture on "Legal education".

"You and Internet addiction»

Category: Social section
Date: 2019-04-09 12:45:16
Analytical information on the results of the survey   "You and Internet addiction»   (Kimberly young questionnaire)                The survey was carried out April 9, 2019 teachers psychologist Mametovoi D. M. among students in grades 7-9. The survey involved 53 people (96%).     &...

"School RAID"

Category: Section of social pedagogue
Date: 2019-04-04 13:48:19
30.03.2019, was organized "school RAID" in accordance with the plan and schedule shifts. Together with school, teachers, class teachers conducted raids, followed the students, the social status of their parents and the daily routine of students, as well as carried out explanatory work with parents and students. There were no accidents during the RAID. The school Board of Trustees is co...

"Conflicts and ways of their solution"

Category: Social section
Date: 2019-03-20 08:23:31
March 18, 2019 in the municipal state institutions "school – boarding General type of Balkhash town" by the school psychologist were conducted simulations on the theme "Conflicts and ways of their solution" for the ward children.  13 guardians took part.

Event "Nauryz meiramy"

Category: Section of social pedagogue
Date: 2019-03-19 14:21:57
The school began a charity event called"Nauryz". The campaign will last from March 17 to April 17. Goal: to Support low-income families, large and needy mothers.

Republican Olympiad in geography

Category: our achievements
Date: 2019-03-16 09:29:27
Republican Olympiad in geography
Diplomas and certificate for participation in the Republican Olympiad on geography get Kaiypkan Aruzhan, Savel'ev Evgeniy, Alibay Nuresil. Prepared students of geography teacher of Tolentine E. N.

" Тhe World of childhood with the Convention."

Category: Social section
Date: 2019-03-14 11:11:32
From 11 to 14 March 2019 at KSU "General boarding school of the General type of Balkhash" school psychologists among students in grades 5-9 was conducted a survey on " the World of childhood with the Convention."  Objective: to monitor the level of awareness of children and adolescents about their rights, the basic provisions of the Convention on the rights of the chil...

Сorrectional and developing work for the prevention of self-destructive behavior of adolescents in the framework of the program "Choice".

Category: Social section
Date: 2019-03-07 10:38:54
Сorrectional and developing work for the prevention of self-destructive behavior of adolescents in the framework of the program
March 4, 2019 in the municipal state institutions "school – boarding General type of Balkhash town" by the school psychologist were conducted, correctional and developing work for the prevention of self-destructive behavior of adolescents in the framework of the program "Choice". Took part 10 students.

"What is the impact of alcohol on a person's life?".

Category: Social section
Date: 2019-02-28 13:51:05
On 27 February 2019, the municipal state institutions "school – boarding General type of Balkhash town" psychologists schools were shown a video of "what is the impact of alcohol on a person's life?". Adopted the participation of 34 students.

Сity Olympiad

Category: our achievements
Date: 2019-02-21 15:43:33
Сity Olympiad
Pupils of boarding school No. 3 took part in 53 stages of the city Olympic games, and received diplomas.  Leaders Umbetova B. S.; Saparbekova A. O.; Ospanova L. T.; J. B. Merekenov

Information KSU " secondary boarding school of the General type of the city of Balkhash»

Category: Section of social pedagogue
Date: 2019-02-21 13:51:57
Information KSU "school-boarding General type of Balkhash town»          From 6 to 16 February 2019 in OSIOT held a campaign "Happy childhood!". Within the framework of the campaign, the following activities were held with students: Cool hours on the theme " Teenager and the street. Youth subcultures", " Respons...

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