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The results of the trial UNT 27.01.2014

Date: 2014-02-10 06:16:18
The results of the trial UNT                                            27.01.2014 School Total of pupils Pass of UNT...

The results of the trial UNT 14.01.2014

Date: 2014-02-10 06:14:14
The results of the trial UNT                                            14.01.2014 School Total of pupils Pass of UNT...

The results of the trial UNT 14.12.2013

Date: 2014-02-10 06:11:29
The results of the trial UNT                                            14.12.2013 School Total of pupils Pass of UNT...

The results of the trial UNT 14.01.2014

Date: 2014-01-22 06:18:12
The results of the trial UNT                                            14.01.2014 School Total of pupils Pass of UNT...

The report for І half-year pedagogics psychologist about the done work in 2013-2014 school year.

Date: 2014-01-18 09:19:05
According to plan in September 2013 school year was conducted next work: 1.Adaptation goes to transition first graders  from game to learn. Objective:Toidentify difficulties during adaptation, relation of the child with the teacher. Amongfirst graders has passed testing Kern Jirasek "Preparing students for school" In 2013school year of first graders parent meeting has pass...

The results of the trial UNT 30.11.2013

Date: 2013-12-09 07:40:09
The results of the trial UNT                                            30.11.2013 School Total of pupils Pass of UNT...

Dear Colleagues

Date: 2013-12-05 10:04:53
Dear Colleagues, Today, we are citizens of Kazakhstan ,we celebrate a special day in the history of the newly independent Kazakhstan - Day of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan. It is a holiday - a tribute to Nursultan Nazarbayev , who led our country in the most difficult time . Sighted policy Leader of the Nation , his initialism have played a crucial role in over coming the dif...

The influence of education and training for secondary education Director of secondary school number 15 of Balkhash town

Category: Lectures of director
Date: 2013-11-29 11:56:19
The influence of education and training for secondary education Director of secondary school number 15 of Balkhash town
Орта білім берудегі оқыту мен тәрбиенің ықпалдастығы Қазақстан Республикасының Елбасы Нұрсұлтан Әбішұлы Назарбаев адами капиталды  дамытудың қажеттілігі мен маңыздылығын ерекше атап, білім беру жүйесін реформалауда жан -  жақты қолдау  көрсетуінің нәтижесінде   білім саласының қарқында дамуына  мүмкіндік туды. Соған байланысты  Қазақстан Республикасында ...

Innovative activities of the school. X International Scientific Conference

Category: Lectures of director
Date: 2013-11-18 11:12:16
Innovative activities of the school. X International Scientific Conference
Казахстану нужны особые люди, которые поведут вперед страну. Об этом сказал Глава государства Нурсултан Назарбаев в ходе  встречи с родителями учащихся Назарбаев интеллектуальной школы.        Развитие науки и техники не стоит на месте, это значит, что постоянно появляются все новые и новые изобретения, старое раскрывается с новой стороны, совершенствуется, у...

The development of competency-based pedagogy members of the international educational project through distance learning.

Category: Lectures of director
Date: 2013-11-18 11:08:03
The development of competency-based pedagogy members of the international educational project through distance learning.
  ХАЛЫҚАРАЛЫҚ  ИННОВАЦИЯЛЫҚ БІЛІМ БЕРУ ЖОБАСЫНА ҚАТЫСУШЫ МҰҒАЛІМДЕРДІҢ ҚАШЫҚТЫҚТАН ОҚЫТУ ТЕХНОЛОГИЯСЫ АРҚЫЛЫ  ҚҰЗЫРЕТТІЛІКТІ ПЕДАГОГИКАНЫ ИГЕРУІ ДубирбековаК.Ш.,Жунус Н.Г. Қазақстан Республикасында 2011-2020 жылдарға арналған білім беруді дамытудың мемлекеттік бағдарламасында «12 жылдық оқыту моделіне көшуді білім беру мазмұнын жаңғыртумен қоса жүргізу, білімдік шоғы...

The results of the trial UNT 28.10.2013

Date: 2013-11-18 08:38:11
        The results of the trial UNT           28.10.2013 School Total of pupils Pass of UNT Average point Kazakh Russian language History of Kazakhstan Mathematics...

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