National dishes of the Kazakh people

Category: Educational work
Date: 2020-12-10 10:23:52
National dishes of the Kazakh people
Kazakhs are a very hospitable people. It has long been customary that when a guest came to the house, he was seated in a place of honor, and the best dishes that the owners had were put on the table. Until now, it is customary to arrange large feasts with national dishes here. What is the custom to treat in Kazakhstan, what delicacies are the country's calling card? Peculiarities of the nati...
Author: School №10

7.12.2020 жылы 1-6 сыныптарда "Жол қозғалысы ережелері"тақырыбында сынып сағаттары өткізілді.

Category: Сынып сағаттары
Date: 2020-12-08 08:25:10
7.12.2020 жылы 1-6 сыныптарда
7.12.2020 жылы 1-6 сыныптарда "Жол қозғалысы ережелері"тақырыбында сынып сағаттары өткізілді. Видео және презентациялар арқылы оқушылар жол қозғалысы ережелері бойынша өз білімдерін тексерді. Сынып жетекшілерінің назары қыс мезгілінде жолдардағы қауіпсіздікке аударылды. Орта және жоғары буында сынып сағаттары экологияға арналды. Тұрмыстық қоқыспен, пайдаланылған газдармен, өндіріс...
Author: School №10

School inspector D.O. Baibusinova is assigned to Secondary school " # 10 of Balkhash"

Category: Для вас, родители!
Date: 2020-12-07 09:52:11
School inspector D.O. Baibusinova is assigned to Secondary school
School inspector D.O. Baibusinova is assigned to Secondary school " # 10 of Balkhash" Using these contact numbers, you can contact with questions of interest and for individual consultations.
Author: School №10

4.12.2020 года в ОСШ №10 проведен Час семьи.

Category: Educational work
Date: 2020-12-07 08:44:09
4.12.2020 года в ОСШ №10 проведен Час семьи.
4.12.2020 года в ОСШ №10 проведен Час семьи.                                                       Были рассмотрены вопросы: 1...
Author: School №10

Dear Parents!

Category: Информация об отмене занятий
Date: 2020-12-07 08:17:52
Dear Parents!
In order to preserve the health and safety of students in the winter period and in accordance with the Recommendations for the cancellation of classes in unfavorable meteorological conditions in educational institutions of the Karaganda region, approved by the Education Department and agreed with the Department of Emergency Situations of the Karaganda region on November 27, 2020, the cancellatio...
Author: School №10

"№10 ЖББОМ" КММ оқушыларынан "Халыққа қызмет етуге шақыру" тілектер кітабы

Category: Outstanding leader of our time
Date: 2020-12-04 15:19:25
"№10 ЖББОМ" КММ оқушыларынан "Халыққа қызмет етуге шақыру" тілектер кітабы.

Біз салауатты өмір салтын қолдаймыз!

Category: Educational work
Date: 2020-12-03 09:32:39
Біз салауатты өмір салтын қолдаймыз!
Author: School №10

Ұлтына қамқор - Елбасы

Category: Educational work
Date: 2020-12-02 11:30:54
Ұлтына қамқор - Елбасы
On the eve of the national holiday, the school yard was festively decorated with multi-colored flags and a banner. The school site has a heading “Outstanding Leader of Our Time”. A book exhibition "A History Written by a Leader" is arranged in the library. The stand of "Ultyna Kamkor - Elbasy". A home screening of the films "The Sky of My Childhood"...
Author: School №10

Ұлтына қамқор - Елбасы

Category: Outstanding leader of our time
Date: 2020-12-02 09:21:37
Ұлтына қамқор - Елбасы
On the eve of the national holiday, the school yard was festively decorated with multi-colored flags and a banner. The school site has a heading “Outstanding Leader of Our Time”. A book exhibition "A History Written by a Leader" is arranged in the library. The stand of "Ultyna Kamkor - Elbasy"  A home screening of the films "The Sky of My Childhood&quo...
Author: School №10

11/27/2020 at Secondary school # 10 online parent meeting was held in grade 11 together with parents in preparation for UNT - 2021.

Category: Director's blog
Date: 2020-11-30 09:53:23
11/27/2020 at Secondary school # 10 online parent meeting was held in grade 11 together with parents in preparation for UNT - 2021.
11/27/2020 at Secondary school # 10 online parent meeting was held in grade 11 together with parents in preparation for UNT - 2021. The director of the school Ukpeshova Saule Gazizovna and the deputy directors Ridel Lyudmila Yurievna and Leontyeva Alena Aleksandrovna spoke at the meeting. Pupils and parents were familiarized with the changes in the format of the UNT in January 2021, with the...
Author: School №10

On November 27, 2020, a festive online concert "Elbasym - maқta nyshym!" Was held at Secondary school No. 10, Balkhash".

Category: Outstanding leader of our time
Date: 2020-11-30 09:34:21
On November 27, 2020, a festive online concert
On November 27, 2020, a festive online concert "Elbasym - maқta nyshym!" Was held at Secondary school No. 10, Balkhash". The concert was attended by teachers, employees, students and school graduates. The festive program was opened by the hosts: Deputy Director for BP Livitskaya M.A. and the teacher of English Orymbekova Zh.K., who recited the poem "Kosh bastagan - President&...
Author: School №10

Методика Л.А. Йовайши

Category: кәсіптік бағдар
Date: 2020-11-29 14:58:58
Методика Л.А. Йовайши Методика Л.А. Йовайши предназначена для определения склонностей личности к различным сферам профессиональной деятельности. Сфера технических интересов: программист, электротехник, радиотехник,Web -мастер, статистик, водитель, технолог, диспетчер. Речь здесь идет о практических видах деятельности. Круг этих профессий очень широк – производство и обработка металла;...
Author: School №10

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