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Information about the events dedicated to the state symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Category: State symbols
Date: 2014-10-29 05:34:32
In September of 2014 in grades 5-11 held the first class hour "State symbols - national pride." Cool heads 2-4 classes organized contests, essays, drawings on asphalt. In order to identify the knowledge of the state symbols of the school psychologist conducted a survey among students and teachers. On the morning of the weekly range 1-11 grade students performed the national anthem of...
Author: School №9

State symbols RK

Category: State symbols
Date: 2014-10-23 09:26:11
State symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan The coat of arms of the Republic of Kazakhstan was adopted on June 4, 1992. The authors of the emblem are Zhandarbek Melibekov and Shota Ualikhanov. About 245 projects and 67 description designs of the future arms took part in the final competition.The National Emblem of the Republic of Kazakhstan is an image of shanyrak, the upper dome-like porti...
Author: School №9

Matinee pozvyaschenny Defenders`s Day .

Date: 2014-05-14 10:18:41
Matinee pozvyaschenny Defenders`s  Day .
Mini- center " Inzhu " at secondary school number 9 in the group "Balausa" the 6th of May matinee held dedicated to the Motherland Defender . Educators Bekarisova BI Tursynbek and JT spent matinee where told the children about our army of brave wars that are ready to defend their homeland . Children standing in a circle holding hands and calling everyone on earth peace , ha...
Author: School №9

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