Information of the Secondary School No. 9 on holding Abaev readings in the framework of the decade dedicated to the "Spiritual Heritage" Program

Date: 2017-10-31 08:48:01
Information of the Secondary School No. 9 on holding Abaev readings in the framework of the decade dedicated to the
On October 24, the teacher of the Kazakh language Mukazhanova A. held a round table "M.Auezov.Roman" Way of Abai ", timed to the 120 anniversary of M. Auezov. Purpose: to show the humanistic pathos of the works of the great writer, to educate moral ideals.        Ғulama alemіne teren үnіlіp, omіrі changed shygarmashylygyna tolyқ tanysu maқsatynda Mұ...
Author: School №9

Information on the conduct of activities in the English language during the week

Date: 2017-10-26 09:03:30
Information on the conduct of activities in the English language during the week
On October 20English teacher Abeldinova A. B a lesson on the theme «Watching TV» 9"A" class.On the  lesson was usedthe interactive whiteboard. The lesson was interesting, the students were active. On October 20 English teacher Tungushbaeva A.Sa lesson on the theme «Watching TV» 9"Ә" class.The lesson was interesting, the students were active.
Author: School №9

Information on the conduct of the event, the Department of the FSW

Date: 2017-10-26 03:48:05
Information on the conduct of the event, the Department of the FSW
On October 25, 17, a specialist of the FZOZH Department of LLP Kasimova OK conducted a lecture on the topic "Say" No! "To alcohol."
Author: School №9

Go to the Latin alphabet - approach the world

Date: 2017-10-24 06:04:46
Go to the Latin alphabet - approach the world
19.10.2017. in the library passed the hour of communication "The transition to the Latin alphabet - an approximation to world standards" among students 9-11 grades. Purpose: to tell about the need to move the alphabet to the Latin alphabet. Librarian R. Kaukerbekova reported on the timely introduction of this decision, the gradual transition of the Kazakh language to the Latin alpha...
Author: School №9

Excursion of the preparatory group to the library

Date: 2017-10-24 04:13:02
Excursion of the preparatory group to the library
10/16/2017. the children of the preparatory group visited the library. Purpose: Children's acquaintance with the world of fairy tales. Giving characterization to the heroes, education in children responsiveness, honesty, justice. The game "Think and decide", "Question-answer" was held with the guys. Children told poems, proverbs and sayings.
Author: School №9

Secular State and High Spirituality

Date: 2017-10-24 03:58:17
Secular State and High Spirituality
October 18 is declared the Day of Spiritual Consent. This day began to be celebrated from October 18, 1992 on the initiative of the Nation Leader NANazarbayev, who spoke at the 1st International Congress of Spiritual Harmony. The library has prepared an exhibition of books on this topic. Purpose: to develop universal values, inculcation of humanistic ideas among schoolchildren. The exhibit...
Author: School №9

Extra-curricular event on the topic: Who wants to win ?!

Date: 2017-10-23 11:17:50
Extra-curricular event on the topic: Who wants to win ?!
An English teacher SakibaiAknurSerikbaevna conducted an extra-curricular event for students of the 5th grade in English on the 21st of October. The theme: Who wants to win! The class was divided into groups and used by many methods. One of them is called the Interesting Times. In this task, the students draw a picture, the student's goal: answer the teacher's questions regardless of the...
Author: School №9

The theme: The best of the best!

Date: 2017-10-23 11:04:20
The theme: The best of the best!
A young specialist, teacher of English Tleubergenova Zhansaya Orynbekovna, held an extra-curricular event on October 19 in English for grades 5аand 5ә. The theme: The best of the best! She used a number of methods that developed analytical synthetic thinking. One of them is called "Riddles". In this task, the students had to find the correct correlation on the poster. That is, correlat...
Author: School №9

The information of school №9 about carrying out of the actions devoted to the program "Latin әліпбиіне көшу - заман талабы"

Date: 2017-10-23 10:23:54
The information of school №9 about carrying out of the actions devoted to the program
A solemn line was held at the school, at which the information group made the main provisions of the article of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.Nazarbayev "Bolashak ba'dar: ruhan jahyyru". 23.10. passed a classy watch on the theme "Latin әліпбиіне көшу - заман талабы".
Author: School №9

Information of the Secondary School No. 9 on holding the meeting "Zhas-Kuran"

Date: 2017-10-23 09:50:46
Information of the Secondary School No. 9 on holding the meeting
In society, one of the most important problems is the increase in the number of offenses among adolescents. To solve this problem, a meeting for boys was organized and held among the 7-11 grades. Medical Officer Dzhanbekova A., S. Elshibekov S. introduced the participants to the reports "Harm Harmful", "Hygiene of Boys".
Author: School №9

Information of the Secondary School No. 9 on holding Abaev readings in the framework of the decade dedicated to the "Spiritual Heritage" Program

Date: 2017-10-23 09:42:47
Information of the Secondary School No. 9 on holding Abaev readings in the framework of the decade dedicated to the
18.10. the teacher of the Kazakh language and literature NBBekmurzayeva conducted a scientific and practical conference "Zayar tuladan Kibrat" among students of grade 11. Purpose: to instill interest in the biography and creative life of the writer, to cultivate respect for the books of a famous akyn. 21.10. held a contest of expressive reading "The language of Abay and Mukhtar...
Author: School №9

Information about internet competition of primary classes , organized by the centre of methodical skill «Шабыт»

Date: 2017-10-23 06:18:33
Information about internet competition of primary classes , organized  by the centre of methodical skill «Шабыт»
Pupils of class 4a of the Internet competition of primary classes, organized by the center of methodical skill«Шабыт», ElegenAsel, AmantaevaAitolkyn, participated in the distance competition on the theme "Teacher-genius!" and have awarded of  diploma of the II degree in the "Essays" nomination and SovetShukirolla-III degree . Leader Shakirova Dina Karaevna wa...
Author: School №9

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