Information of the school №9 about the online lesson viewed

Date: 2017-12-07 10:30:32
Information of the school №9 about the online lesson viewed
On December 7, an online lesson "Prevention of fires in homes and schools" in the Karaganda region was viewed.
Author: School №9

Information of school №9 on carrying out of celebratory actions "Astana - 20 years!"

Date: 2017-12-07 09:03:24
Information of school №9 on carrying out of celebratory actions
The school planned and held events timed to the holiday of the capital. The exhibition of books "Tsveti, Astana!" Has been prepared. A solemn ruler, class watches "Astana - 20 years!"
Author: School №9

1 Желтоқсан - Тұнғыш Призидент күніне орай өткен "Елін сүйген Елбасы" атты тәрбие сағаттары туралы ақпарат

Date: 2017-12-04 05:16:23
 1 Желтоқсан - Тұнғыш Призидент күніне орай өткен
Қарашаның 30-ы күні 1 Желтоқсан - Тұнғыш Призидент күніне орай мектепалды даярлық топтарында "Елін сүйген Елбасы" атты  тәрбие сағаттары өткізілді. Балалар мерекені ҚР гимнімен бастап, тақпақтар, әндер орындап, суреттер салып әкелді. Балалар Елбасына ұзақ өмір, денсаулық тіледі.
Author: School №9

Information School № 9 on the holding of events timed to the holiday on December 1 - Day of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Date: 2017-11-30 15:03:31
Information School № 9 on the holding of events timed to the holiday on December 1 - Day of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan
30.11. a solemn line "Elin syigen eli skigen basses" was held. With congratulations to the audience, the director G. Әbi spoke. The Agit Brigade spoke about the biography and life of the President. The line ended with the execution of the Hymn of the RK.
Author: School №9

Information School № 9 on the holding of events timed to the holiday on December 1 - Day of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Date: 2017-11-30 04:04:12
Information School № 9 on the holding of events timed to the holiday on December 1 - Day of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan
In order to foster respect for the personality of the Leader of the Nation, love for the Motherland, development of patriotic feelings, events were planned and held. A stand "Leader with the people" was prepared. An exhibition of books "Elin syigen, Eli syigen - Elbasy" has been prepared in the foyer. On the 3rd floor there is also a stand. With the purpose of education of...
Author: School №9

Information on participation in the city forum "My family is a happy family"

Date: 2017-11-30 03:47:27
Information on participation in the city forum
On November 25, 2017, the city forum was held to disseminate the President's Program "Ruhani Jahyyru". Purpose: to strengthen the work with parents in disseminating the ideas of the Spiritual Revival Program. At a forum with parents and representatives of the Council of Fathers, the role of fathers in the development and upbringing of children was discussed. Chairman of the Council...
Author: School №9

Information of school №9 about viewing of an online lesson in grades 9-11

Date: 2017-11-24 08:31:32
Information of school №9 about viewing of an online lesson in grades 9-11
23.11. students of grades 9-11 watched and listened to an online lesson on the topic "The beginning of the heating season" in the Karaganda region. Information was provided on the provision of first aid for smoke from premises with stove and gas heating, the use of personal protective equipment.
Author: School №9

Information school № 9 on the conduct of a patriotic lesson in the city museum of local lore

Date: 2017-11-24 08:19:17
Information school № 9 on the conduct of a patriotic lesson in the city museum of local lore
23.11. in the city museum of local lore was held a patriotic lesson. 15 students of the 7th grade took part in it. Specialists of the museum told about the First President of Kazakhstan N.Nazarbayev, showed a film about his biography.
Author: School №9

Information on participation in the event in the central the S.Seifullin City Library

Date: 2017-11-24 08:08:18
Information on participation in the event in the central the S.Seifullin City Library
23.11. Central information library of S.Seifullin passed the information hour "Know the history, respect the person". It involved students of 8 "B" class. Tleuhor Aruna, Kargaltayeva Muldir, Asanova Zhansulu were awarded with certificates for active participation.
Author: School №9

Information about the meeting of teachers on the topic "Fight against corruption".

Date: 2017-11-24 07:58:38
Information about the meeting of teachers on the topic
22.11. a meeting of teachers was held on the theme "Fight against corruption". The issues of compliance with the work schedule of the day, safety rules were considered. Also, teachers are not allowed to raise funds for various activities. It was announced to bring to the attention of parents about these issues.
Author: School №9

Information about holding 10 days on "Human rights-the rights of the child" and "Prevention of drug abuse and the harmfulness of smoking".

Date: 2017-11-20 07:13:50
Information about holding 10 days on
Class hours on a subject are spent: "The rights of the person is right of the child" and "Prevention of drug addiction and about harm of smoking" Temirbek Botakaz, the pupil of the 8th class, she has participated in the competition "Holy Land of Balkhash" organized within presidential "Orientations to the future: spiritual revival". Addressing moderniz...
Author: School №9

Салауатты өмір салтын ұстану бөлімі маманымен кездесу жайлы ақпарат

Date: 2017-11-17 10:21:37
Салауатты өмір салтын ұстану бөлімі маманымен кездесу жайлы ақпарат
14.11.17 күні Салауатты өмір салтын ұстану бөлім  маманы Касимова О.К «ЖИТС – алдын алудың өзекті мәселелері» ЖИТС ауруының эпидемиологиялық (індеттің) жағдайы тақырыбында баяндама оқып, бейнебаяндар көрсетіліп  кітапшалар таратты.Оқушылар сұрақтар қойып, өз ойларын ортаға салды.
Author: School №9

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