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Information on the conduct of activities for the prevention of drugs

Date: 2018-04-27 09:58:49
Information on the conduct of activities for the prevention of drugs
Since 23.04. to 26.04. psychologist of the school summed up the results of the questionnaire "Prevention of drugs" among pupils of grades 8-11. The guys talked about the dangers of drugs. From 1 to 11 classes were held class hours on the topic "Cleanliness is the guarantee of health". The campaign "No to Drugs!" With residents of the city was also conducted by schoo...
Author: School №9

Information about the meeting with the members of the KSU "Center for Study and Analysis of Problems of Interconfessional Relations of the City of Balkhash"

Date: 2018-04-26 22:43:15
On 26.04.2018, with the aim of preventing terrorism and extremism in secondary school No. 9, information work was carried out by the members of the KSU "The Center for the Analysis and Analysis of Problems of Interconfessional Relations of the City of Balkhash." At the meeting, the director of the center BSBeysenbayeva explained the goals, tasks and work of the organization, gave full...
Author: School №9

Final information on an intellectual marathon Urker in 2017 – 2018 academic year

Date: 2018-04-17 12:09:15
Final information on an intellectual marathon  Urker in 2017 – 2018 academic year
For increase in intellectual potential and support of gifted pupils general education high school №9 on an intellectual marathon «Urker» all groups of Preparation of an intellectual marathon - 27 pupils have taken partand  three pupils became winners.
Author: School №9

«Urker» center and international Internet of the Pony tournament of F.M. Dostoyevsky

Date: 2018-04-17 12:04:47
«Urker» center and international Internet of the Pony tournament of  F.M. Dostoyevsky
intellectual purpose of an intellectual competition "Urker":  increase in intellectual potential and support of Exceptional children. 2017-2018 educational year уцентр and the international intellectual competition "Urker" addressed to M.Dostoyevsky 10 pupils participated in the Pony tournament. From them four pupils have taken prizes.
Author: School №9

Olympic Games "Zhas Arkhimed"

Date: 2018-04-17 12:01:19
 Olympic Games
According to the plan of city week in the subject "mathematics" there have taken place the Olympic Games "Zhas Archimed". 4 pupils have taken part in her from our school. р/с Surname and name grade Teacher 1 Бикенова Еркежан 6...
Author: School №9

«For gifted pupils – the talented teacher»

Date: 2018-04-17 11:39:37
«For gifted pupils – the talented teacher»
27.03. there has passed the city stage of the Republican pedagogical Olympic Games "Forgifted pupils – the talented teacher". Pupils 9A  grade have taken part in her and have taken ІІ the place.
Author: School №9

Жбб № 9 орта мектебінде дәстүрлі «Мектеп күнінің-2018» ІІ кезеңінің ақпараты

Date: 2018-04-16 15:19:11
Жбб № 9 орта мектебінде дәстүрлі «Мектеп күнінің-2018»  ІІ кезеңінің ақпараты
13 сәуіркүні  Жбб №9 орта мектебінде дәстүрлі«Мектепкүні-2018» ІІкезеңіөтті. Мектеп күнінің мақсаты: Астананың 20-жылдығына және «Рухани жаңғыру» бағдарламасын іске асыру. Мектеп күні бағдарламасы 3 кезеңнен тұрды. Бағдарламманың 1-блогында «Сөз – тілдің көркі» «Шабыт» қалалық жобасын іске асыру бойынша әдеби салоны «Евгени...
Author: School №9

"Менің сүйікті қаламның келбеті"

Date: 2018-04-16 15:17:19
Рухани жаңғыру бағдарламасы аясында  қала күніне орай өткен қалалық "Менің сүйікті қаламның келбеті" атты асфальтта сурет салу байқауында жүлделі III орынға ие болған Жбб№9 орта мектеп командасы марпатталды
Author: School №9

Жбб№9 орта мектебінің қалалық мұражайға бару ақпараты

Date: 2018-04-16 14:45:22
Жбб№9 орта мектебінің қалалық мұражайға  бару ақпараты
11.04.18 күні 3- сынып оқушыларын сынып жетекшілері Елбасының  «Болашаққа бағдар: рухани жаңғыру» атты бағдарламалық мақаласын жүзеге асыру мақсатында қалалық мұражайға саяхатқа апарды. Өлкенің жануарлар дүниесі мен өсімдіктер әлемі» залында Балқаш өңірінің флорасы мен фаунасы,  өңірдің өсімдіктері мен жануарлар әлемі кеңінен көрсетілген. Бірегей өсімдіктер гербарийі,...
Author: School №9

Kazakhstan the Internet the Games in objects of general education 2017-2018 academic year on Russian and English.

Date: 2018-04-16 10:49:08
Kazakhstan the Internet the Games in objects of general education 2017-2018 academic year on Russian and English.
        Within a year purpose of holding Olympic Games: increase in intellectual potential and support of exceptional children 2017-2018 academic year in the Olympic Games KIO, English, Russian to 9 objects from among pupils of 5-8 classes have been involved. The schoolgirl of the 5th class Tusupbayeva Albina has been awarded with the diploma of the I degree, her head is the...
Author: School №9

Information on participation in the international intellectual competition "A kangaroo - mathematics for all"

Date: 2018-04-16 10:41:40
In March, 2018 there has taken place the international intellectual competition "Kangaroo — Mathematics for All". Purpose: identification of gifted pupils, development of their intellectual potential. From our school 45 pupils of 3-9 classes have taken part, from them 30 have taken prizes. I - 6 II-13 III - 11 р/с Surname and name...
Author: School №9

Information on a remote Internet competition «Zhuldyzyn zhansyn»

Date: 2018-04-16 10:36:13
Information on a remote Internet competition «Zhuldyzyn zhansyn»
Competition purpose: creation of conditions for development of creative abilities of participants of the Competition, identification of talented and exceptional children and youth. G. Astana competition Shabyt "," educational and methodical center" limited liability partnership. To download Ayzat and Aybar of 5 B of a class, the schoolgirl of the 10th class of our school of Uralsk...
Author: School №9

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