Information about the recitation competition

Date: 2018-12-19 11:34:52
Information about the recitation competition
13.12.2018 in secondary school №9 held a competition of expressive reading on the theme "Tauelsizdik tugyrym". The competition was attended by students of grades 1-4. The purpose of this event was dedicated to the 27th anniversary of the country's independence.  Pupils expressively read the verses devoted to the native land, and the main thing felt a poem heart and showed that...
Author: School №9

Astana is a city of dreams

Date: 2018-12-19 11:26:10
Astana is a city of dreams
12.12.2018 in the secondary school №9 in honor of the 20th anniversary of Astana, in order to get acquainted with the history of Astana, achievements for 20 years, historical and cultural places of Astana, a virtual tour "Astana - the city of dreams"was held.           During the meeting, topical issues related to the history of Astana wer...
Author: School №9

«Кітап- білім бұлағы,білім өмір шырағы»атты қалалық Bookcrossing акциясы

Date: 2018-12-10 12:13:49
«Кітап- білім бұлағы,білім өмір шырағы»атты қалалық Bookcrossing акциясы
Кітап – тәрбие құралы, кітаптің бала тәрбиесіне, психалогиясына тигізер әсері мол. Әдеби шығарманың балаға берері өте көп.Ал көркем шығарманы оқу - өмірді тану.Оқыған кітабы баланың жан дүниесіне әсер етпей қоймайтыны белгілі.Кітап арқылы бала іштей өзін-өзі тәрбиелеп, жақсы мен жаманды айыруға үйренеді.Оқушыларға білімнің кітап арқылы берілетінін ұғындыру. Кітаптың адам өміріндегі маңызы,...
Author: School №9

"The Museum a treasure of the country's history" information

Date: 2018-12-05 12:32:32
05.12.2018 year disciples 2 classes visited the school Museum. 3 exposition parts of the Museum were presented todisciples. 1st part of Aru Balkhash 2nd part of the history of the school Part 3-Batyr Bauyrzhan Momyshuly I paid particular attention to every Department.  The main goal of the Museum school-the education of the younger generation of patriotism, respect for teachers, thr...
Author: School №9

Information about the cognitive lesson

Date: 2018-12-05 12:20:31
Information about the cognitive lesson
Day 28.11.2018 in the 4th grade was an informative competition dedicated to the Day of the First President.An event was held on the role of N. Nazarbayev in the development of independent Kazakhstan. The purpose of this event is to tell students about the heroic deeds of the Kazakh people in the years of independence, about our grandfathers who dreamed of freedom, about the past, present and fut...
Author: School №9

Information on "Elin suygen, Eli suygen Elbasy" dedicated to the Day of the First President

Date: 2018-12-05 12:14:52
Information on
Day 30.11. 2018 in our school in honor Of the day of the First President 1-December for primary school students, parents were shown a video about the life of the head of state. This event was organized in order to educate students a sense of patriotism, love for their native land, respect for the President, care for a sovereign country. Students learned a lot of interesting things.
Author: School №9

Book exhibition "Language is the soul of the people"

Date: 2018-11-29 16:19:01
Book exhibition
“Language is a symbol of national unity, national heritage, a means of world outlook.” The Kazakh language is one of the richest and most figurative languages ​​of the world, in honor of September 22, the Day of the Languages ​​of the Peoples of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the library held the “Language "Soul of the people" with students 6 A class. Objective: to inst...
Author: School №9

Information about the event "you and read, I read"

Date: 2018-11-29 16:09:23
Information about the event
October 30, among students in grades 2-4, the event "you and read, I read" Objective: To explain that knowledge is transmitted through the book, the value in human life, the benefits of science and education. Instill interest in the book, instill a love of knowledge. Educate, cultivate love, purity, respect for books.
Author: School №9

First visit to the library

Date: 2018-11-29 16:04:27
First visit to the library
On November 6, students in the 1st grade visited the library and traveled to the world of books. Objective: to acquaint children with the library. To cultivate goodwill, loyalty, kindness, explaining fairy-tale characters to children. Children looked at bright colored books with great interest. The students got acquainted with the rules of books, how to keep a book. Also, the guys s...
Author: School №9

Information about the oral information review "book - not exuded treasures"

Date: 2018-11-29 15:53:14
Information about the oral information review
Objective: to develop a respectful attitude to the textbook, respect for reading, morality. Children looked at bright colored books with great interest. The students got acquainted with the rules of books, how to keep a book. Also, the guys shared their knowledge, poems, proverbs and sayings
Author: School №9

Information on the holding of a round table on the topic "Excess knowledge in the book, read without lip"

Date: 2018-11-29 15:49:34
Information on the holding of a round table on the topic
November 16, among 6-7 classes, a round table was held on the topic “Excess knowledge in the book, read without lip” Objective: to increase students' interest in books, instill interest in reading, foster respect for books.
Author: School №9

2018 – 2019 оқу жылдарынды үштілділік бағдарламасын іске асыру, білімді дамытудың ақпараты

Date: 2018-11-29 10:37:34
Елбасы Н.Ә.Назарбаев өзінің жылдағы дәстүрлі Жолдауында «Тілдердің үш тұғырлығы» мәдени жобасын іске асыруды жеделдету тиістігіне ерекше мән береді. «Әлеуметтік-экономикалық жаңғырту-Қазақстан дамуының басты бағыты» жолдауында «Көп ұлттылық пен көптілділік құндылықтардың бірі және біздің еліміздің басты артықшылығы болып табылады» деп атап көрсетті. Үш тілде б...
Author: School №9

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