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Plan of work of the civil-patriotic center "Aybar" for 2017-2018 academic year

Date: 2017-10-02 08:46:41
Plan of work of the civil-patriotic center
The work plan of the civil-patriotic center "Aybar" for 2017-2018 academic year can be found in the attached file.
Author: School №8

Information on the "Last Bell" event with the graduates of the cadet classes of the secondary school № 8

Date: 2017-05-22 03:52:33
Information on the
  May 20, 2017 in the secondary school was held solemn event "The Last Bell", dedicated to the graduates of the cadet classes. The event was attended by the chairmen of military organizations №53898, 31765, "Combat Brotherhood", members of the Council of Fathers, School of Mothers, representatives of the media, parents and teachers of students. The solemn ceremony began...
Author: School №8

Cadet Ball-2017

Date: 2017-05-20 07:29:41
Cadet Ball-2017
  20.05.2017 жылы жалпы білім беретін №8 орта мектебінде 9 кадет сыныптарының қоштасу кадет балы өтті. Кадет балында оқушылар би билеп, ән айтты. Кешке кадет сыныбында оқыған оқушылардың ата-аналары шақырылды. Мектеп директоры Токейбекова А.Т. және ата-аналар оқушыларға өз тілектерін білдіріп, сәттілік тіледі.
Author: School №8

5Ә Ұлан сыныбының ант қабылдау рәсімі және Ұландар туын табыстау салтанаты өткізілгені туралы ақпар

Date: 2016-12-12 11:18:56
5Ә  Ұлан сыныбының ант қабылдау рәсімі және  Ұландар туын табыстау  салтанаты  өткізілгені туралы ақпар
   2016 жылдың 10-желтоқсан күні жалпы білім беретін №8 орта мектебінің ұлан сыныптарына  ту тапсыру салтанаты мен ант қабылдау рәсімі өткізілді. Салтанатты жиынға  қалалық білім бөлімінің бастығының орынбасары  А.Куанышбаев, №31765  әскери бөлімінің командирі Подкполковник Д.С.Ақбөкеев, «Ардагер», «Боевое братство» ұйымының төрағалары мен&nb...
Author: School №8

Показан перевод для запроса Информация о проведении городского семинара в общеобразовательной школе №8 Искать вместо этого перевод для Ирформация о проведении городского семинара в общеобразовательной школе №8 Information on the workshop in urban seconda

Date: 2016-11-02 10:13:47
 Показан перевод для запроса Информация о проведении городского семинара в общеобразовательной школе №8 Искать вместо этого перевод для Ирформация о проведении городского семинара в общеобразовательной школе №8 Information on the workshop in urban seconda
Сity ​​seminar was held October 25, 2016 on the theme "Patriotic vospitanie- guarantor of the future."     The seminar began with a presentation by the Headmaster A.T.Tokeybekovoy. At the seminar came the teacher initial-military training, deputy director for education of the city schools and methodologist of the regional training center S.S.Kontaev.   D...
Author: School №8

New cadets welcome

Date: 2016-10-17 11:18:56
New cadets welcome
In the 2015-2016 academic year, the ranks of our school cadets are replenished with new students - cadets 5Ә class. Admission to the cadet class took place on a competitive basis from among suitable for health reasons, with appropriate receipts class a good level of education and age of applicants for admission. List of cadets enrolled in the new school year: Full Name Class 1 Balgabaev Diaz...
Author: School №8

Oath taking ceremony of the Cadet Class 5Ә

Date: 2015-12-14 08:43:36
Oath taking ceremony of the Cadet Class 5Ә
   December 12th, 2015 at the school held a solemn ceremony of making oath Cadets 5Ә class. At the ceremony were invited: the head of the department of education, the representative of the party Nur Otan, the staff voynskoy part, member of the organization "Combat Brotherhood" principals, the director of the SNR №58 Karaganda T.V.Balgabekova. With school №58 Karaganda was sig...
Author: School №8

olemn event dedicated to the wire recruits to the ranks of military service

Date: 2015-11-24 11:00:14
olemn event dedicated to the wire recruits to the ranks of military service
November 19th, 2015 with the participation of akim of the city held an event dedicated to the wire recruits into the ranks of the military service. The event was attended by students of grade 10 schools in the city, heads of NVP, as well as head of the organization "Combat Brotherhood" Bauyrzhan Mukhamediev. Parting words said head of the city Department of Defense, Major B.A.Alishev....
Author: School №8

Schedule clubs and electives cadet classes

Date: 2015-10-28 06:41:45
Week 6Ә 7Ә 8Ә 9Ә Monday 13.00-preparation for lessons. Erimbetov Т. 14.00-drill training. Erimbetov Т 15.00-sports training. Otarbayev A. 13.00- preparation for lessons. Кonurov B. 14.00- drill...
Author: School №8

New cadets welcome

Date: 2015-10-13 07:34:56
In the 2015-2016 academic year, the ranks of our school cadets are replenished with new students - cadets 5Ә class. Admission to the cadet class took place on a competitive basis from among suitable for health reasons, with appropriate receipts class a good level of education and age of applicants for admission. List of cadets enrolled in the new school year: № Surname...
Author: School №8

Circles in cadet classes

Date: 2015-10-07 03:52:11
№ circle's name Guantity of children Leaders 1 Fight 47 Ilnitsky O. 2 Parachute 45 Ilnitsky O.  
Author: School №8

Cadet Spring Ball

Date: 2015-05-02 03:52:20
Cadet Spring Ball
The high school №8 May 29 passed cadet ball. Graceful and majestic looking couple during execution "Polonaise", "Minuet" majestic "Viennese waltz" "waltz cadet." Festival gathered many guests, among them were invited to the ball of the officers of the voynskoy veterans education Satimbek Slambekovich, Shayza Ryskulovna, as well as the Methodists and the he...
Author: School №8

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