Council of Psychology

"Bir shakyra-bir mektep"

Category: My inner world (psychological advice)
Date: 2018-01-31 14:53:44
       In the gymnasium number 7 named. S.Seifullina, January 30, 2018, psychological training on "Bir shakyra-bir mektep" with students who are in need of control, which is on the basis of HSE. The purpose of the training is: to improve the friendship among students, to teach respect and respect for school discipline. The training took place in the following parts:...

Test Eysenck

Category: My inner world (psychological advice)
Date: 2018-01-24 14:09:21
Test Eysenck
         January 9-11 in the school-gymnasium №7 named S.Seifullin conducted a test of the temperament of students at Eysenck among the 6-7 grades. The purpose of the test is: determining the temperament and emotional stability of pupils. (neurotic behavior). In the test, 218 students participated. Temperament characteristics are divided into three types. Extroverts...

Психологиялық бағыттау және психодиагностикалық жұмыстар

Category: My inner world (psychological advice)
Date: 2017-12-12 03:01:00
Психологиялық бағыттау және психодиагностикалық  жұмыстар
     11 сынып оқушыларын мемлекеттік аттестацияға психологиялық бағыттау және психодиагностикалық  жұмыстардың қорытындысы бойынша есеп беру. Педагог – психолог: Мукажанова Д.К.   ҰБТ-ға психологиялық бағыттау жұмысының мақсаты:оқушылардың эмоционалдық интеллектісін дамыту,психологиялық саулықтарын  қамтамасыз ету.  ҰБТ-ға психология...

Questions for students «What do I know about AIDS»

Category: My inner world (psychological advice)
Date: 2017-04-21 06:18:34
Questions for students «What do I know about AIDS»
     Aims: 1. To give information about AIDS. 2. About the ways of protecting from AIDS. Participants: students of the 8 grade.

Training for motivation

Category: My inner world (psychological advice)
Date: 2017-04-21 06:13:40
Training for motivation
    Aims: Improvementof relations between students¸ save the student from bad habits¸ self-knowledge¸ respect¸ education to independence.

Training – exercises «Keep your Life»

Category: My inner world (psychological advice)
Date: 2017-04-21 06:00:08
Training – exercises «Keep your Life»
Aims:Increases of responsibility for health.Participants:students of the 8 grade.

School Psychologist Zhamankuzova Gulnara Kuatovna conducted with fifth graders and teachers playing exercises.

Category: My inner world (psychological advice)
Date: 2017-02-04 10:28:39
School Psychologist Zhamankuzova Gulnara Kuatovna conducted with fifth graders and teachers playing exercises.
School Psychologist Zhamankuzova Gulnara Kuatovna conducted with fifth graders and teachers playing exercises.

School Psychologist Zhamankuzova Gulnara Kuatovna i conducted with first-graders and teachers playing exercises

Category: My inner world (psychological advice)
Date: 2017-02-04 10:24:37
School Psychologist Zhamankuzova Gulnara Kuatovna i conducted with first-graders and teachers playing exercises
School Psychologist Zhamankuzova Gulnara Kuatovnai conducted with first-graders and teachers playing exercises 

12-13.03.2016 was held training on " Time Management : Lake uakytyndy unemde "

Category: My inner world (psychological advice)
Date: 2016-05-10 10:26:45
 12-13.03.2016 was held training on
12-13.03.2016g . I conducted a training on " Time Management : Lake uakytyndy unemde " . Goal: warn against stress in the collective ; learn to manage time through the training exercise ;

14-15.04.2016 was held psychological test " Kol midyn Zhalgas "

Category: My inner world (psychological advice)
Date: 2016-05-10 10:17:38
 14-15.04.2016 was held psychological test
14-15.04.2016 was held psychological test " Kol midyn Zhalgas " among 11 classes . The goal : to help with the choice of profession .

In March 2016 we conducted psychological testing

Category: My inner world (psychological advice)
Date: 2016-05-10 10:12:06
 In March 2016 we conducted psychological testing
In March 2016 we have tested . In order to determine the level of stress in students . At the end of the test , students were identified with increased stress and with them were carried out psychological training exercises.

22-23 .01.2016 was passed psychological test " Tabyska zhetu kazhettiligi "

Category: My inner world (psychological advice)
Date: 2016-05-10 10:02:25
 22-23 .01.2016 was passed psychological test
22-23 .01.2016 , the cedi 11 classes passed the psychological test " Tabyska zhetu kazhettiligi " . Objective: Increase opportunities getting at targets in the future among students . It was necessary to present the situation described in the embodiments and answer without thinking either "Yes" or "No" .

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