«Балқаш мыс алыбы»

Category: Virtual мuseum
Date: 2020-10-28 22:50:34
2020 жылдың 22- қазанында тарих пәні мұғалімдерінің ұйымдастыруымен он-лайн форматта 5-6-сынып оқушыларын виртуалды тарихи-өлкетану көрмелерінің жұмыстарымен таныстыру мақсатында қалалық музейге виртуалды кездесу өткізді. Қалалық музей өлкетанушысы Д.А.Қожақов оқушыларға «Балқаш мыс алыбы» өңірімен - тарих көшіне ілескен туған жеріміз, сүйікті қаламыз Балқаш қаласының тарихын танысты...
Author: School №8

Cognitive hour with members of the German ethno-cultural center "History of Education of Astana"

Category: Virtual мuseum
Date: 2018-01-22 14:20:26
Cognitive hour with members of the German ethno-cultural center
On January 15, 2013, a cognitive hour with the participation of the members of the ethnocultural center of the city, AI Ferderer, TN Relke, LA Nenakhova, devoted to the 20th anniversary of Astana, "The History of the Astana City", was held at the secondary school. During the meeting members of the ethnocentre told the students about their work, that the solidarity and peace of the mult...
Author: School №8

Round table "Memory from the teacher"

Category: Virtual мuseum
Date: 2018-01-22 13:26:50
Round table
   Pedagogical activity is a type of activity, the result of which is influenced by the nature of the relations between its participants. The successful solution of the complex and important tasks of teaching and educating junior schoolchildren depends crucially on the personality of the teacher, his moral position, professional skills, erudition and culture. Experience convinces that...
Author: School №8

Excursion to the museum for first-year students

Category: Virtual мuseum
Date: 2017-10-17 05:31:06
Excursion to the museum for first-year students
October 9, 2017 for the pupils of the 1st class was the presentation of the school museum. Students together with class leaders got acquainted with the museum. This year our school turns 20 years old. For more information, see the attached file.

The work plan and composition of the museum council

Category: Virtual мuseum
Date: 2017-10-12 16:14:35
The work plan and the composition of the museum council can be found in the attached file.

General provisions of the Museum of Secondary School No. 8

Category: Virtual мuseum
Date: 2017-10-12 16:06:53
General provisions of the museum of secondary school № 8 can be found in the attached file.